Hospital and Nursing Home Profiles  

Lethal accidents - 26-50 years old - Years 1997-2010 - Upper Trunk


Back to NEISS Data Home, Hospital Data.

Number Of Accidents (Estimate): 2,077
See also: Lethal and non-lethal accidents, Other age groups, Other body parts.
Lethal Accidents - Years:
Year 1997:43
Year 1998:319
Year 1999:76
Year 2000:208
Year 2001:172
Year 2002:95
Year 2003:207
Year 2004:149
Year 2005:180
Year 2006:195
Year 2007:161
Year 2008:133
Year 2009:101
Year 2010:32

Lethal Accidents - Sex

Lethal Accidents - Race


Bicycles or accessories: 455Exercise: 112
Knives: 107All-terrain vehicles: 102
Floors or flooring materials: 93Dancing: 90
Telephones or telephone accessories: 84Football: 84
Swimming: 82House repair or construction materials: 75
Sofas, couches, davenports, divans or studio couches: 71General home or room involvement in fires: 69
Snow skiing: 69Snowmobiles: 69
Dishwashers: 69Fences or fence posts: 66
Porches, balconies, open-side floors or floor openings: 49Lawn mowers: 45
Basketball: 32Tables: 29
Soccer: 29Doors: 23
Wheelchairs: 17Squash, racquet ball or paddle ball: 17
Beds: 16Riding power lawn mowers: 16
Tractors: 15Windows and window glass, other than storm windows: 15
Bathtubs or showers: 15Motor vehicles or parts: 15
Alcohol: 15Tableware and accessories: 15

Back to the top does not guarantee the accuracy or timeliness of any information on this site.  Use at your own risk.  This data has been compiled from multiple government and commercial sources.  Additional information about prescription drugs is coming up.