Hospital and Nursing Home Profiles  

Accidents - 50+ years old - Year 2008 - Neck


Back to NEISS Data Home, Hospital Data.

Number Of Accidents (Estimate): 49,602
See also: Lethal accidents, Other years, Other age groups, Other body parts.

Accidents - Sex

Accidents - Race


Stairs or steps: 6,734Floors or flooring materials: 6,644
Beds or bedframes: 4,555Chairs: 2,561
Wheelchairs: 2,198Bathtubs or showers: 1,772
Ceilings and walls: 1,177Crutches, canes or walkers: 1,001
Containers: 869Exercise: 859
Ladders: 847Doors: 794
Toilets: 674Bicycles or accessories: 659
Rugs or carpets: 574Sofas, couches, davenports, divans or studio couches: 572
Furniture: 557Cabinets, racks, room dividers and shelves: 544
Porches, balconies, open-side floors or floor openings: 527Tables: 524
Horseback riding: 519Motor vehicles or parts: 405
Chair, recliner: 399Footwear: 368
Bags: 345Garage doors: 332
Paints, varnishes or shellacs: 326Desks, chests, bureaus or buffets: 314
Riding power lawn mowers: 292Runners, throw rugs or doormats: 287
All-terrain vehicles: 272Sinks: 256
Exercise equipment: 248Windows and window glass, other than storm windows: 221
Insect induced injuries: 215Golf: 212
Metal containers: 211Televisions: 207
Other unpowered garden tools: 204Buckets or pails: 203
Doorsills or frames: 189Fishing: 189
Sheets or pillowcases: 182Stools: 177
Clothing: 176Tennis: 176
Escalators: 176Vacuum cleaners: 170
House repair or construction materials: 168Pet supplies: 160
Bowling: 160Outdoor awnings or shutters: 153
Computers: 148Luggage: 140
Animal induced injury: 135Tablet or capsule drugs: 135
Elevators or other lifts: 134Swimming: 133
Refrigerators: 133Alcohol: 131
Knives: 131Pillows: 124
Cords, electrical: 120Waste containers, trash baskets or refuse bins: 118
Day wear: 118Weight lifting: 114
Poles: 113Greenhouse or gardening supplies: 110
Paper products: 106Mattresses: 103
Snow skiing: 101Fences or fence posts: 101
Surfing: 95Football: 94
Jewelry: 94Garden hoses, nozzles or sprinklers: 94
Counters or countertops: 90Room-sized, wall-to-wall or outdoor carpeting: 90
Blankets: 90Grocery or shopping carts: 89
Scooters/skateboards, powered: 87Soaps: 87
Air conditioners: 87Bunk beds: 86
Painting equipment, powered: 86Plastic bags: 86
Scooters, unpowered: 80Books, magazines, albums or scrapbooks: 80
Dancing: 80Power lawn mowers: 80
General home or room involvement in fires: 80Tie racks, belt racks or other clothes hangers: 75
Razors or shavers: 75Bottles or jars: 75
Bed rails: 75Motorized vehicles: 75
Christmas tree lights: 75Drills: 75
Other toys: 75Bleaches: 75
Licensed two-wheeled motor vehicles: 74Benches: 74
Medical equipment, general: 73Glass doors or doors with glass panels: 71
Extension or straight ladders: 71Fans: 71
Telescopes, binoculars, microscopes or magnifying glasses: 71Step stools: 71
Pedal-powered adult vehicles: 71Industrial equipment: 71
Trampolines: 71Tool sheds: 71
Golf carts: 71Wheelbarrows or lawn carts: 71
Martial arts: 59Extension cords: 59
Outerwear: 59Manual snow or ice removal tools: 59
Water slides: 59Cardboard products: 59
Volleyball: 44Telephones or telephone accessories: 43
Hot water: 30Ramps or landings: 30
Other ranges or ovens: 30Mirrors or mirror glass: 30
Dollies, handtrucks or luggage carriers: 30Mountain or all-terrain bicycles or accessories: 30
Swimming pools: 29Lawn mowers: 29
Softball: 29Plants, trees and shrubs: 15
Chain saws: 15Cookware: 15
Clotheslines or clothes drying racks: 15Hammers: 15
Foods: 15Automatic doors: 15
Ironing boards or covers: 15Musical instruments, not electric or not battery operated: 15
Book bags or back carriers: 15Stereo or hi-fi components or accessories: 15
Illegal drugs: 15Basketball: 14
Paintbrushes or rollers, manual: 14Combs or hairbrushes: 14
Artificial Christmas trees: 14Faucets or spigots: 14
Bedspreads, throws or comforters: 14Clothing accessories: 14
Sewing basket articles: 14Knickknacks, statues, vases or urns: 14
Mopeds or power-assisted cycles: 14Tree stands: 14
Cots: 14Batteries: 14
Nail guns or stud drivers: 14Radiators: 14
Flotation toys: 14Rope or string: 14
Handrails, railings or banisters: 14Toolboxes or tool kits: 14
Nonelectric razors or shavers: 14Clothing irons: 14

Back to the top does not guarantee the accuracy or timeliness of any information on this site.  Use at your own risk.  This data has been compiled from multiple government and commercial sources.  Additional information about prescription drugs is coming up.