Floors or flooring materials: 17,851 | Stairs or steps: 15,354 |
Beds or bedframes: 8,297 | Bicycles or accessories: 5,045 |
Bathtubs or showers: 4,545 | Ladders: 4,157 |
Chairs: 4,066 | Rugs or carpets: 3,142 |
Wheelchairs: 2,708 | Ceilings and walls: 2,264 |
Containers: 2,144 | Cabinets, racks, room dividers and shelves: 2,113 |
Doors: 1,945 | Crutches, canes or walkers: 1,942 |
Tables: 1,573 | Exercise: 1,411 |
Toilets: 1,327 | Porches, balconies, open-side floors or floor openings: 1,311 |
Horseback riding: 1,255 | Golf: 1,214 |
Snow skiing: 1,147 | Manual snow or ice removal tools: 968 |
Luggage: 879 | Footwear: 835 |
Furniture: 825 | Sofas, couches, davenports, divans or studio couches: 816 |
Stools: 749 | Desks, chests, bureaus or buffets: 723 |
Bags: 720 | Windows and window glass, other than storm windows: 719 |
Doorsills or frames: 706 | Exercise equipment: 694 |
Waste containers, trash baskets or refuse bins: 684 | Weight lifting: 636 |
Pet supplies: 622 | All-terrain vehicles: 573 |
Day wear: 572 | Stepladders: 572 |
Televisions: 560 | Other unpowered garden tools: 530 |
Telephones or telephone accessories: 507 | House repair or construction materials: 494 |
Fences or fence posts: 489 | Other toys: 479 |
Elevators or other lifts: 479 | Garden hoses, nozzles or sprinklers: 391 |
Runners, throw rugs or doormats: 389 | Towels or cloths: 378 |
Riding power lawn mowers: 373 | Manual cleaning equipment: 352 |
Grocery or shopping carts: 350 | Chair, recliner: 349 |
Poles: 340 | Ramps or landings: 336 |
Room-sized, wall-to-wall or outdoor carpeting: 332 | Pipes: 321 |
Vacuum cleaners: 306 | Bowling: 303 |
Toolboxes or tool kits: 295 | Mattresses: 289 |
Golf carts: 289 | Automatic doors: 278 |
Decorative yard equipment: 274 | Lawn mowers: 256 |
Basketball: 248 | Escalators: 244 |
Laundry baskets: 243 | Scaffolding: 238 |
Handrails, railings or banisters: 236 | Cookware: 232 |
Washing machines: 231 | Mopeds or power-assisted cycles: 230 |
Ball sports: 224 | Tractors: 208 |
Blankets: 207 | Extension or straight ladders: 207 |
Step stools: 205 | Tennis: 203 |
Clothing: 201 | Two-wheeled, powered, off-road vehicles: 188 |
In-line skating: 187 | Electrical wire or wiring systems: 180 |
Refrigerators: 180 | Heaters or heating systems: 164 |
Christmas decorations: 162 | Chain saws: 156 |
Fishing: 155 | Plastic bags: 154 |
Scooters, unpowered: 147 | Hot tubs or home spas: 147 |
Wood paneling and particleboard: 147 | Draperies, curtains or shower curtains: 147 |
Glass soft drink bottles: 145 | Tableware and accessories: 139 |
Water heaters: 137 | Pruning or trimming equipment: 137 |
Water slides: 137 | Greenhouse or gardening supplies: 136 |
Carts: 134 | Footstools, ottomans or hassocks: 133 |
Power lawn mowers: 133 | Chair, rocking: 131 |
Wooden containers: 131 | Swimming: 125 |
Paper products: 122 | Extension cords: 120 |
Sinks: 119 | Buckets or pails: 117 |
Soccer: 112 | Sheets or pillowcases: 111 |
Counters or countertops: 105 | Window shades, venetian blinds or indoor shutters: 104 |
Computers: 102 | Softball: 102 |
Fans: 101 | Hoists, lifts, jacks or jack stands: 101 |
Fuel storage tanks: 100 | Boxing: 94 |
Sports and recreational activity: 94 | Motorized vehicles: 94 |
Air conditioners: 94 | Wire: 94 |
Bed rails: 86 | Microwave ovens: 86 |
Bedspreads, throws or comforters: 86 | Other ranges: 86 |
Mountain or all-terrain bicycles or accessories: 86 | Glass doors or doors with glass panels: 86 |
Baseball: 84 | Saws: 84 |
Trays: 84 | Hammers: 84 |
Ice skating: 84 | Squash, racquet ball or paddle ball: 78 |
Gasoline cans: 77 | Flying toys: 77 |
Skateboards: 77 | Portable food or beverage coolers: 77 |
Garden tractors: 72 | Sleds: 71 |
Snowmobiles: 69 | Business and office machines: 69 |
Keys, key rings or key chains: 69 | School equipment: 69 |
Other containers: 69 | Public equipment: 69 |
Pressurized containers: 69 | Bleachers: 69 |
Swings or swing sets: 69 | Hatchets or axes: 69 |
Batteries: 69 | Mobile/manufactured homes: 69 |
Tools: 69 | Electric chandeliers, hanging lamps or other attached light fixtures: 69 |
Fuel oils: 69 | Clotheslines or clothes drying racks: 69 |
Swimming pools: 69 | Wheelbarrows or lawn carts: 69 |
Tricycles: 69 | Paintbrushes or rollers, manual: 69 |
Roller skating: 68 | Other furniture: 68 |
Electric grills: 68 | Pins and needles: 68 |
Trampolines: 68 | Ironing boards or covers: 68 |
Bottles or jars: 68 | Wagons: 68 |
Tie racks, belt racks or other clothes hangers: 68 | Slides or sliding boards: 68 |
Fertilizers and other chemicals for outdoor use: 68 | Book bags or back carriers: 66 |
Electric heaters: 61 | Scales: 61 |
Glass alcoholic beverage bottles: 61 | Rugby: 61 |
Hand saws: 61 | Baby gates or barriers: 61 |
Paints, varnishes or shellacs: 55 | Eyeglasses: 55 |
Lawn trimmers or edgers, powered: 49 | Barstools or kitchen stools: 49 |
Convertible beds, hideaway beds or sofa beds: 39 | Tool sheds: 39 |
Snow throwers/blowers: 39 | Nonglass bottles or jars: 39 |
Clothing accessories: 33 | Knives: 33 |
Outerwear: 33 | Scooters/skateboards, powered: 33 |
Books, magazines, albums or scrapbooks: 33 | Hot water: 33 |
Vending machines: 33 | Football: 33 |
Coffee makers or teapots: 30 | Pens and pencils: 30 |
Bedding: 16 | Light bulbs: 16 |
Beach chairs or folding chairs: 16 | Bathtub or shower enclosures: 16 |
Cardboard products: 16 | Nails, screws, carpet tacks or thumbtacks: 16 |
Power saws: 16 | Freezers: 16 |
Dishwashers: 16 | Bars and bar accessories: 16 |
Electrical outlets or receptacles: 16 | Manual filing or sanding tools: 16 |
Clocks: 16 | Electric heating pads: 16 |
Dancing: 16 | Power tillers or cultivators: 16 |
Pedal-powered adult vehicles: 16 | Fireworks: 16 |
Aquariums or accessories: 16 | Pliers, wire cutters or wrenches: 16 |
Archery: 16 | Tarpaulins: 16 |
Hammocks: 16 | Musical instruments, not electric or not battery operated: 16 |
Nightwear: 16 | Cigarettes, cigars, pipes or tobacco: 16 |