Hospital and Nursing Home Profiles  

Accidents - 50+ years old - Year 2003 - Hand


Back to NEISS Data Home, Hospital Data.

Number Of Accidents (Estimate): 109,113
See also: Other years, Other age groups, Other body parts.

Accidents - Sex

Accidents - Race

Accidents - Related Products


Knives: 14,006Stairs or steps: 4,455
Floors or flooring materials: 3,864Doors: 3,689
Tableware and accessories: 2,722Nails, screws, carpet tacks or thumbtacks: 2,394
Metal containers: 2,359Fences or fence posts: 2,193
Ceilings and walls: 2,070Drinking glasses: 2,025
Knives with replaceable blades: 1,709Fishing: 1,669
Windows and window glass, other than storm windows: 1,603Beds or bedframes: 1,506
Chairs: 1,504Lawn mowers: 1,434
Tables: 1,383Cookware: 1,346
Wheelchairs: 1,294Chain saws: 1,267
Bench or table saws: 1,265Cabinets, racks, room dividers and shelves: 1,068
Bicycles or accessories: 1,007Ladders: 993
House repair or construction materials: 947Containers: 917
Hot water: 871Scissors: 818
Desks, chests, bureaus or buffets: 804Wire: 756
Doorsills or frames: 744Power saws: 717
Toilets: 714Razors or shavers: 710
Rugs or carpets: 704Drills: 697
Pliers, wire cutters or wrenches: 696Saws: 692
Screwdrivers: 692Tools: 687
Bathtubs or showers: 683Porches, balconies, open-side floors or floor openings: 667
Other ranges: 622Other unpowered garden tools: 619
Glass bottles or jars: 616Pruning or trimming equipment: 611
Pet supplies: 594Crutches, canes or walkers: 593
Golf: 590Counters or countertops: 570
Gasoline: 535Cabinet or door hardware: 517
Garage doors: 509Hammers: 496
Bottles or jars: 496Power lawn mowers: 493
Handrails, railings or banisters: 474Pipes: 458
Glass doors or doors with glass panels: 435Waste containers, trash baskets or refuse bins: 426
Portable circular power saws: 409Awls, chisels or planes: 407
Greenhouse or gardening supplies: 382Exercise: 373
Grocery or shopping carts: 369Coal or wood-burning stoves: 363
Light bulbs: 363Day wear: 358
Garden hoses, nozzles or sprinklers: 343Hoists, lifts, jacks or jack stands: 341
Chains: 335Washing machines: 325
Tie racks, belt racks or other clothes hangers: 322Candles, candlesticks and other candle holders: 322
Microwave ovens: 321Hand saws: 317
Power drills or accessories: 310Nail guns or stud drivers: 310
Decorative yard equipment: 303Footwear: 300
Furniture: 297Tractors: 290
Refrigerators: 287All-terrain vehicles: 283
Tennis: 281Pictures, picture frames or wall decorations: 277
Sofas, couches, davenports, divans or studio couches: 275Sewing machines or accessories: 255
Manual scissors: 250Poles: 243
Paper products: 240Sprayers: 240
Batteries: 233Automatic doors: 232
Clothing accessories: 225Other ovens: 225
Jewelry: 225Toolboxes or tool kits: 215
Bags: 212Elevators or other lifts: 211
Manual cleaning equipment: 208Slicers and choppers: 197
Basketball: 187Knickknacks, statues, vases or urns: 179
Food processors: 179Other furnaces: 172
Range or oven accessories: 172Water heaters: 169
Heavy-duty workshop staplers: 164General purpose household cleaners: 164
Sinks: 160Bleaches: 155
Stretch cords or stretch straps: 155Mirrors or mirror glass: 154
Manual pruning or trimming equipment: 154Baseball: 153
Extension or straight ladders: 147Archery: 147
Wheelbarrows or lawn carts: 147Other manual workshop tools: 147
Glue guns: 147Cardboard products: 146
Nonelectric razors or shavers: 146Other glass bottles or jars: 145
Clothes dryers: 145Glass alcoholic beverage bottles: 143
Riding power lawn mowers: 142Other toys: 140
Oven cleaners: 139Portable power drills and accessories: 137
Snow skiing: 136Pumps: 136
Other plastic products: 136Fans: 134
Dishwashers: 133Chair, recliner: 129
Other portable or stationary power tools: 129Weight lifting: 127
Sewing basket articles: 117Car seats: 112
Dollies, handtrucks or luggage carriers: 108Lighting equipment: 103
Gutters, drainpipes, downspouts or run-off pipes: 103Electric ranges: 103
Electrical wire or wiring systems: 102Manual filing or sanding tools: 102
Flatware: 100Radiators: 100
Desk supplies: 94Softball: 94
Stools: 94Soccer: 88
Coffee makers or teapots: 88Rope or string: 86
Beach chairs or folding chairs: 86Freezers: 86
Other manual pruning or trimming equipment: 86Ramps or landings: 86
Other fireplaces: 86Power sanders: 86
Television tables or stands: 85Floor lamps or table lamps: 85
Electric blenders: 85Public equipment: 85
Air conditioners: 84Vacuum cleaners: 84
Hatchets or axes: 84Buckets or pails: 84
Billiards or pool: 84Other ball sports: 84
Unpowered coffee makers or teapots: 84Luggage: 83
Garbage disposers: 78Food skewers: 78
Seasonal decorations: 78General home or room involvement in fires: 78
Snow throwers/blowers: 78Scooters/skateboards, powered: 77
Other furniture: 77Futons: 77
Heaters or heating systems: 77Mountain climbing: 77
Fireworks: 77Unpowered models or parts: 77
Power tillers or cultivators: 77Animal traps: 77
Thermal or sound insulation materials: 77Mopeds or power-assisted cycles: 77
Clocks: 71Tape recorders or players: 71
Dehumidifiers: 71Towel racks or bars: 71
Radios: 69Electric coffee makers or teapots: 69
Electric or battery-powered knives: 69Hot plates: 69
Benches: 69Glass bathtub or shower enclosures: 69
Wood paneling and particleboard: 69Bleachers: 69
Keys, key rings or key chains: 69Generators or power plants: 69
Electric kettles or hot pots: 69Jigsaws: 69
Portable power workshop grinders, buffers or polishers: 69Dishwashing liquid: 69
Exercise equipment: 69Pressure cookers or canners: 69
Boxing: 69Gas furnaces: 69
Bedspreads, throws or comforters: 69Amusement attractions: 69
Handball: 69In-line skating: 69
Bath or facial brushes: 69Carts: 69
Pens and pencils: 69Roller skating: 69
Electric grills: 69Stereo or hi-fi components or accessories: 69
Sabre saws: 69Boilers: 69
Humidifiers: 69Gas ranges: 69
Manual push mowers: 68Tool sheds: 68
Paints, varnishes or shellacs: 68Windowsills or frames: 68
Paint or varnish removers, paintbrush cleaners: 68Laundry soaps or detergents: 68
Gas or LP grills or stoves: 68Faucets or spigots: 68
Stationary power drills and accessories: 68Automotive tools or accessories: 68
Internal combustion engines: 68Chemicals: 64
Mattresses: 61Dancing: 61
Tapes: 61Ashtrays, not electric or not battery operated: 61
Leaf blowers: 61Bed rails: 49
Horseback riding: 49Vending machines: 49
Escalators: 49Ball sports: 39
Swimming pools: 39Portable gas or LP heaters: 39
Golf carts: 39Eyeglasses: 39
Gas-burning fireplaces: 39Computers: 33
Metal cookware: 33Televisions: 33
Runners, throw rugs or doormats: 33Scooters, unpowered: 33
Book bags or back carriers: 33Kerosene grills or stoves: 30
Radial arm saws: 30Ice skating: 16
Squash, racquet ball or paddle ball: 16Can openers: 16
Playground equipment: 16Lighter fluids: 16
Storm windows: 16Ice picks: 16
Bottle openers: 16Chair, rocking: 16
Electric chandeliers, hanging lamps or other attached light fixtures: 16Kerosene or oil heaters: 16
Other containers: 16Draperies, curtains or shower curtains: 16
Propane, LP or butane gas tanks or fittings: 16Plastic containers: 16
Lawn trimmers or edgers, powered: 16Night-lights: 16
Cigarette or pipe lighters: 16Barstools or kitchen stools: 16
Gasoline or other fuel-powered models: 16Other electric lighting equipment: 16
Electric lighting equipment: 16Cigarettes, cigars, pipes or tobacco: 16
Drapery or curtain rods, hooks or rings: 16Tricycles: 16
Clothing irons: 16Fuel-burning lighting equipment: 16
Manual snow or ice removal tools: 16Manicuring devices: 16
Nonmetal cookware: 16Slow cookers: 16
Electric motors: 16Power routers: 16
Power hedge trimmers: 16Unattached appliance or lamp cords: 16
Camping equipment: 16Trash compactors: 16
Scaffolding: 16Grills: 16
Welding equipment: 16

Back to the top does not guarantee the accuracy or timeliness of any information on this site.  Use at your own risk.  This data has been compiled from multiple government and commercial sources.  Additional information about prescription drugs is coming up.