Hospital and Nursing Home Profiles  

Accidents - 50+ years old - Year 2002 - Upper Leg


Back to NEISS Data Home, Hospital Data.

Number Of Accidents (Estimate): 38,087
See also: Lethal accidents, Other years, Other age groups, Other body parts.

Accidents - Sex

Accidents - Race


Floors or flooring materials: 6,543Stairs or steps: 3,751
Beds: 2,910Crutches, canes or walkers: 2,460
Wheelchairs: 1,842Chairs: 1,474
Ladders: 878Chain saws: 763
Rugs or carpets: 732Hot water: 706
Toilets: 684Bathtubs or showers: 676
Tables: 659Knives: 638
Bicycles or accessories: 556Exercise: 556
Knives with replaceable blades: 533Cabinets, racks, room dividers and shelves: 446
Nails, screws, carpet tacks or thumbtacks: 376Snow skiing: 374
Doors: 319Manual cleaning equipment: 309
Day wear: 281Sofas, couches, davenports, divans or studio couches: 267
Tableware and accessories: 264Footwear: 246
Lawn mowers: 235Containers: 214
Porches, balconies, open-side floors or floor openings: 214Cardboard products: 212
House repair or construction materials: 206Stepladders: 205
Pet supplies: 198Desks, chests, bureaus or buffets: 175
Benches: 171Fishing: 168
All-terrain vehicles: 167Ramps or landings: 161
Step stools: 161Bowling: 152
Other ranges: 152Softball: 143
Pressure cookers or canners: 137Elevators or other lifts: 137
Sinks: 136Ceilings and walls: 136
Mountain or all-terrain bicycles or accessories: 129Horseback riding: 122
Runners, throw rugs or doormats: 113Nightwear: 107
Fences or fence posts: 106Other ovens: 92
Bedsprings or bedframes: 92Electric heating pads: 91
Recliner chairs: 91Stools: 85
Tools: 84Handrails, railings or banisters: 84
Rocking chairs: 83Ice skating: 83
Pumps: 83Nonelectric razors or shavers: 83
Razors or shavers: 82Tennis: 77
Scales: 76Laundry baskets: 76
Power lawn mowers: 76Manual snow or ice removal tools: 76
Scooters/skateboards, powered: 76In-line skating: 75
Portable circular power saws: 70Electric brooms: 68
Garage doors: 68Book bags or back carriers: 68
Keys, key rings or key chains: 68Snow boarding: 68
Refrigerators: 68Doorsills or frames: 68
Musical instruments, electric or battery operated: 68Gas or LP floor or wall heaters: 68
Faucets or spigots: 68Power tillers or cultivators: 68
Tractors: 68Chemicals: 68
Hoists, lifts, jacks or jack stands: 68Ironing boards or covers: 68
Knickknacks, statues, vases or urns: 68Blankets: 68
Mobile/manufactured homes: 68Pruning or trimming equipment: 67
Manual scissors: 67Nonupholstered recliner chairs: 67
Beach chairs or folding chairs: 67Nonelectric toothbrushes: 67
Decorative yard equipment: 67General purpose household cleaners: 67
Upholstered footstools, ottomans or hassocks: 67Poles: 67
Escalators: 61Saws: 60
Laundry soaps or detergents: 60Furniture: 60
Grills: 60Windowsills or frames: 60
Bags: 53Fans: 47
Water skiing: 38Other furniture: 34
Garden hoses, nozzles or sprinklers: 34Exercise equipment: 31
Televisions: 31Bottles or jars: 30
Telephones or telephone accessories: 30Nail guns or stud drivers: 30
Metal containers: 30Baseball: 30
Paper products: 30Golf carts: 30
Counters or countertops: 16Drinking glasses: 16
Waste containers, trash baskets or refuse bins: 16Golf: 16
Tie racks, belt racks or other clothes hangers: 16Brushcutters, powered: 16
Drills: 15Pull-down or folding stairs: 15
Other toys: 15Cookware: 15
Trays: 15Windows or window glass: 15
Hatchets or axes: 15Other fireplaces: 15
Other Irons: 15Electric or battery-powered knives: 15
Wire: 15Grocery or shopping carts: 15
Outerwear: 15Toolboxes or tool kits: 15
Rope or string: 15Swings or swing sets: 15
Vending machines: 15Unattached appliance or lamp cords: 15
Manual hedge trimmers: 15Clothing: 15
Kerosene or oil heaters: 15

Back to the top does not guarantee the accuracy or timeliness of any information on this site.  Use at your own risk.  This data has been compiled from multiple government and commercial sources.  Additional information about prescription drugs is coming up.