Hospital and Nursing Home Profiles  

Accidents - 50+ years old - Year 1999 - Knee


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Number Of Accidents (Estimate): 114,210
See also: Other years, Other age groups, Other body parts.

Accidents - Sex

Accidents - Race

Accidents - Related Products


Floors or flooring materials: 25,783Stairs or steps: 23,753
Beds: 4,870Snow skiing: 3,679
Chairs: 3,437Crutches, canes or walkers: 3,070
Golf: 2,842Rugs or carpets: 2,695
Wheelchairs: 2,677Ladders: 2,605
Bicycles or accessories: 2,343Exercise: 2,053
Bathtubs or showers: 1,976Porches, balconies, open-side floors or floor openings: 1,927
Chain saws: 1,518Tables: 1,151
Footwear: 908Bowling: 904
Doors: 781Tennis: 704
Exercise equipment: 678Toilets: 662
Runners, throw rugs or doormats: 640Lawn mowers: 627
Ceilings and walls: 576Sofas, couches, davenports, divans or studio couches: 453
House repair or construction materials: 446Dancing: 440
Stepladders: 439Telephones or telephone accessories: 439
Doorsills or frames: 430Cabinets, racks, room dividers and shelves: 391
Escalators: 374Furniture: 372
Step stools: 366Extension cords: 355
Luggage: 334Fences or fence posts: 330
Garden hoses, nozzles or sprinklers: 308Softball: 305
Grocery or shopping carts: 296Gutters, drainpipes, downspouts or run-off pipes: 296
Room-sized, wall-to-wall or outdoor carpeting: 283Ramps or landings: 279
Wire: 266Bleachers: 263
Day wear: 257Desks, chests, bureaus or buffets: 250
Basketball: 241All-terrain vehicles: 239
Waste containers, trash baskets or refuse bins: 235Knives: 226
Water skiing: 222Paints, varnishes or shellacs: 222
Wheelbarrows or lawn carts: 218Electrical wire or wiring systems: 213
Ball sports: 210Manual snow or ice removal tools: 204
Vacuum cleaners: 204Golf carts: 202
Benches: 201Containers: 196
Elevators or other lifts: 194Swimming pools: 193
Clothing accessories: 190Squash, racquet ball or paddle ball: 190
Paper products: 185Sinks: 178
Ice skating: 174Swings or swing sets: 171
Horseback riding: 171Bedsprings or bedframes: 170
Glass doors: 169Riding power lawn mowers: 169
Metal containers: 156Volleyball: 155
In-line skating: 153Televisions: 151
Cots: 151Wooden containers: 149
Washing machines: 148Other toys: 148
Counters or countertops: 147Other unpowered garden tools: 146
Power workshop grinders, buffers or polishers: 139Power saws: 137
Fans: 135Drinking glasses: 133
Water heaters: 133Tractors: 127
Football: 125Carts: 124
Cardboard products: 120Mopeds or power-assisted cycles: 119
Baseball: 111Hot water: 109
Swimming: 109Windows or window glass: 108
Air conditioners: 106Handrails, railings or banisters: 104
Pipes: 102Fishing: 101
Drain cleaners: 100Built-in swimming pools: 100
Scaffolding: 93Scooters/skateboards, powered: 88
Tableware and accessories: 88Recliner chairs: 85
Clothing: 85Bottles or jars: 84
Power lawn mowers: 84Other Irons: 84
Rope or string: 84Mountain or all-terrain bicycles or accessories: 84
Hatchets or axes: 84Pruning or trimming equipment: 82
Electrical outlets or receptacles: 82Portable power drills and accessories: 82
Automatic doors: 80Slicers and choppers: 80
Mattresses: 80Garden tractors: 76
Bags: 76Pedal-powered adult vehicles: 76
Baby walkers or jumpers: 76Baby gates or barriers: 76
Bathtub or shower enclosures: 76Razors or shavers: 71
Drapery or curtain rods, hooks or rings: 71Wagons: 71
Trampolines: 71Martial arts: 71
Dollies, handtrucks or luggage carriers: 71Ductwork for heating or cooling systems: 71
Toolboxes or tool kits: 71Eyeglasses: 68
Upholstered footstools, ottomans or hassocks: 68Heaters or heating systems: 68
Floor lamps or table lamps: 68Buckets or pails: 68
Soccer: 66Poles: 66
Blankets: 66Garage doors: 66
Coal or wood-burning stoves: 66Hand saws: 66
Hoists, lifts, jacks or jack stands: 66Electric lighting equipment: 66
Upholstered chairs: 66Snow boarding: 66
Scooters, unpowered: 55Sheets or pillowcases: 54
Nails, screws, carpet tacks or thumbtacks: 52Plastic containers: 41
Hot tubs or home spas: 41Other ranges: 38
Weight lifting: 36Portable circular power saws: 35
Manual cleaning equipment: 35Other furnaces: 18
Sewing machines or accessories: 18Saunas: 18
Draperies, curtains or shower curtains: 18Tool sheds: 18
Molding compounds: 18Dishwashers: 18
Hammers: 18Cookware: 17
Electric heating pads: 17Towels or cloths: 17
Other manual workshop tools: 17Bedspreads, throws or comforters: 17
Mobile/manufactured homes: 17Air compressors: 17
Leaf blowers: 17Knives with replaceable blades: 17
Cabinet or door hardware: 17Other ball sports: 17
Grills: 17Charcoal or wood-burning grills: 17
Nail guns or stud drivers: 17Public equipment: 17
Glass bottles or jars: 17

Back to the top does not guarantee the accuracy or timeliness of any information on this site.  Use at your own risk.  This data has been compiled from multiple government and commercial sources.  Additional information about prescription drugs is coming up.