Hospital and Nursing Home Profiles  

Accidents - 6-15 years old - Year 2005 - Lower Arm


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Number Of Accidents (Estimate): 180,207
See also: Other years, Other age groups, Other body parts.

Accidents - Sex

Accidents - Race

Accidents - Related Products


Bicycles or accessories: 19,563Football: 17,668
Monkey bars, playground gyms or other playground climbing apparatus: 12,388Skateboards: 8,275
Basketball: 7,330Trampolines: 6,245
Soccer: 6,007Swings or swing sets: 5,479
Scooters, unpowered: 4,228Roller skating: 4,045
Stairs or steps: 4,031Windows and window glass, other than storm windows: 3,956
Baseball: 3,582All-terrain vehicles: 3,552
Snow boarding: 3,194Slides or sliding boards: 3,131
In-line skating: 3,091Fences or fence posts: 3,023
Floors or flooring materials: 2,518Gymnastics: 2,444
Beds or bedframes: 2,142Playground equipment: 1,635
Two-wheeled, powered, off-road vehicles: 1,600Knives: 1,558
Horseback riding: 1,534Glass doors or doors with glass panels: 1,459
Sports and recreational activity: 1,443Sofas, couches, davenports, divans or studio couches: 1,421
Bunk beds: 1,413Chairs: 1,326
Skating: 1,323Softball: 1,248
Go-carts: 1,223Ceilings and walls: 1,186
Sleds: 1,133Doors: 1,115
Volleyball: 1,003Tables: 1,001
Wrestling: 987Cheerleading: 837
Porches, balconies, open-side floors or floor openings: 810Exercise: 776
Hockey: 756Exercise equipment: 746
Other toys: 737Snow skiing: 704
Track and field: 665Swimming pools: 649
Fishing: 629Other playground equipment: 558
Surfing: 517Handrails, railings or banisters: 508
Poles: 487Ice hockey: 477
Footwear: 472Ice skating: 454
Cabinets, racks, room dividers and shelves: 452Pens and pencils: 434
Desks, chests, bureaus or buffets: 427Other ball sports: 425
Tableware and accessories: 408Ball sports: 367
Martial arts: 357Ladders: 356
Gas, air or spring-operated guns: 350House repair or construction materials: 342
Stools: 340Tennis: 338
Nails, screws, carpet tacks or thumbtacks: 328Benches: 317
Other ranges or ovens: 305Rugs or carpets: 274
Tool sheds: 261Weight lifting: 255
Pipes: 253Scooters/skateboards, powered: 251
Waste containers, trash baskets or refuse bins: 250Knives with replaceable blades: 237
Drinking glasses: 236Wire: 231
Bathtubs or showers: 225Amusement attractions: 224
Bleachers: 220Treehouses or playhouses: 220
Floor lamps or table lamps: 220Swimming: 216
Lacrosse: 203Dancing: 171
Golf: 167Lighting equipment: 160
Clothing irons: 158Minibikes, powered: 155
Sinks: 155Mountain climbing: 150
Garden hoses, nozzles or sprinklers: 149Roller hockey: 149
Knickknacks, statues, vases or urns: 147Toilets: 146
Pictures, picture frames or wall decorations: 143Wagons: 142
Hair curlers, curling irons, clips & hairpins: 139Water slides: 139
Grills: 136Christmas tree lights: 136
Other fireplaces: 136Seesaws or teeterboards: 134
Gasoline: 128Mirrors or mirror glass: 126
Public equipment: 126Riding power lawn mowers: 126
Coal or wood-burning stoves: 126Metal containers: 124
Manual cleaning equipment: 122Light bulbs: 119
Lockers: 116Cookware: 115
Desk supplies: 110Pet supplies: 105
Computers: 100Doorsills or frames: 99
Field hockey: 98Rope or string: 96
Containers: 95Grocery or shopping carts: 93
Hot water: 90Candles, candlesticks and other candle holders: 89
Day wear: 89Books, magazines, albums or scrapbooks: 88
Golf carts: 88Manual scissors: 87
Chemicals: 83Wheeled riding toys, unpowered: 83
Cribs: 83Pogo sticks: 83
Manual snow or ice removal tools: 83Thermal or sound insulation materials: 83
Carts: 82Telephones or telephone accessories: 82
Cigarettes, cigars, pipes or tobacco: 82Snowmobiles: 82
Radios: 82Power lawn mowers: 81
Fans: 76Tapes: 76
Barstools or kitchen stools: 76Wheelbarrows or lawn carts: 76
General purpose household cleaners: 76Chain saws: 76
Power sanders: 76Wood paneling and particleboard: 76
Book bags or back carriers: 75Counters or countertops: 74
Baby gates or barriers: 74Mountain or all-terrain bicycles or accessories: 74
Toolboxes or tool kits: 72Tetherball: 71
Ramps or landings: 71Garden tractors: 68
Hot tubs or home spas: 68Matches: 68
Water skiing: 68Business and office machines: 68
Fire or smoke alarms: 68Stepladders: 68
Swimming pool slides: 68Flotation toys: 68
Jewelry: 68Hand saws: 68
Built-in swimming pools: 68Plastic products: 67
Fireworks: 67Chains: 66
Art supplies or equipment: 66Stilts: 66
Clothing accessories: 66Heavy-duty workshop staplers: 66
Furniture: 65Lawn mowers: 63
Snow disks: 59Paper products: 59
Glass bottles or jars: 59Refrigerators: 59
Street hockey: 59Nail guns or stud drivers: 59
Snow tubing: 57Microwave ovens: 46
Outerwear: 45Razors or shavers: 41
Balloons: 41Wading pools: 35
Flying toys: 33Pins and needles: 32
Radiators: 31Bottles or jars: 31
Cabinet or door hardware: 31Gasoline cans: 30
Lighter fluids: 30Pillows: 27
Mattresses: 27Decorative yard equipment: 27
Mopeds or power-assisted cycles: 22Scissors: 21
Inflatable toys: 21Televisions: 21
Electric chandeliers, hanging lamps or other attached light fixtures: 21Nonelectric razors or shavers: 18
Swimming pool equipment: 17Ductwork for heating or cooling systems: 17
Other unpowered garden tools: 15Handball: 15
Outdoor awnings or shutters: 15Metal chimneys, stovepipes or flues: 15
Riding toys: 15Escalators: 15
Other glass bottles or jars: 15Vacuum cleaners: 15
BBs or pellets: 15Clothes dryers: 15
Buckets or pails: 15Greenhouse or gardening supplies: 15
Stretch cords or stretch straps: 15Drain snakes: 15
Vises or workshop clamps: 15Umbrellas: 15
Paints, varnishes or shellacs: 15Other antennas: 15
Padlocks, chain locks or other locks: 15Nonmetal cookware: 15
Thermostats: 15Air conditioners: 12
Bags: 11Metal cookware: 11
Hammers: 11Detergents: 11
Ironing boards or covers: 7Cords, electrical: 7
School equipment: 6Soaps: 6
Glass alcoholic beverage bottles: 6Nonglass bottles or jars: 6
Wheelchairs: 6Artificial turf: 6
Electric ranges or ovens: 6General home or room involvement in fires: 6
Diving or diving boards: 5Horseshoes: 5
Aquariums or accessories: 5Boxing: 5
Baby strollers: 5Screwdrivers: 5
Laundry baskets: 5Fertilizers: 5
Dune buggies/beach buggies: 5Squash, racquet ball or paddle ball: 5
Tricycles: 5Other furnaces: 5
Humidifiers: 5First aid equipment: 5
Baby carriers: 5

Back to the top does not guarantee the accuracy or timeliness of any information on this site.  Use at your own risk.  This data has been compiled from multiple government and commercial sources.  Additional information about prescription drugs is coming up.