Hospital and Nursing Home Profiles  

Accidents - 6-15 years old - Year 1998 - Lower Leg


Back to NEISS Data Home, Hospital Data.

Number Of Accidents (Estimate): 108,471
See also: Other years, Other age groups, Other body parts.

Accidents - Sex

Accidents - Race

Accidents - Related Products


Bicycles or accessories: 22,273Football: 6,192
Soccer: 4,893Stairs or steps: 4,347
Basketball: 4,117Fences or fence posts: 3,053
Baseball: 2,848Trampolines: 2,464
All-terrain vehicles: 2,179Snow skiing: 1,721
In-line skating: 1,643Nails, screws, carpet tacks or thumbtacks: 1,507
Two-wheeled, powered, off-road vehicles: 1,318Tables: 1,314
Roller skating: 1,304Porches, balconies, open-side floors or floor openings: 1,290
Beds: 1,281Fishing: 1,239
Skateboards: 1,169Floors or flooring materials: 1,166
Monkey bars, playground gyms or other playground climbing apparatus: 1,113Softball: 1,056
Ceilings and walls: 971Slides or sliding boards: 903
Go-carts: 901Bedsprings or bedframes: 748
Ice skating: 708Bathtubs or showers: 702
Bags: 678Pipes: 630
Knives: 600Exercise: 576
Chairs: 570Swings or swing sets: 561
Aquariums or accessories: 557Waste containers, trash baskets or refuse bins: 538
Track and field: 535Bleachers: 529
Wrestling: 525Skating: 512
Metal containers: 507Gasoline: 492
Gas, air or spring-operated guns: 488Mirrors or mirror glass: 482
Other unpowered garden tools: 479Sleds: 459
Drinking glasses: 459Ball sports: 458
Tableware and accessories: 445Mopeds or power-assisted cycles: 438
Playground equipment: 433Swimming: 428
Benches: 417Poles: 412
Desks, chests, bureaus or buffets: 410Windows or window glass: 391
Weight lifting: 391Horseback riding: 374
Mountain or all-terrain bicycles or accessories: 358Other playground equipment: 354
Glass bottles or jars: 350Gymnastics: 346
Other ball sports: 343Bunk beds: 339
Snow boarding: 333Power lawn mowers: 332
Wire: 329Cabinets, racks, room dividers and shelves: 324
House repair or construction materials: 316Greenhouse or gardening supplies: 313
Exercise equipment: 306Pictures, picture frames or wall decorations: 296
Doors: 288Volleyball: 282
Air conditioners: 277Hockey: 274
Ice hockey: 271Bottles or jars: 268
Hatchets or axes: 266Counters or countertops: 256
Built-in swimming pools: 251Sofas, couches, davenports, divans or studio couches: 240
BBs or pellets: 239Dancing: 232
Light bulbs: 231Containers: 227
Ladders: 221Manual cleaning equipment: 220
Plastic bags: 217Swimming pools: 209
Knives with replaceable blades: 190Handrails, railings or banisters: 182
Sports and recreational activity: 179Glass doors: 175
Rope or string: 166Scooters, unpowered: 163
Knickknacks, statues, vases or urns: 159Cheerleading: 158
Riding power lawn mowers: 158Sinks: 156
Surfing: 151Billiards or pool: 150
Vending machines: 150Martial arts: 148
Golf: 146Lighters: 143
Electric chandeliers, hanging lamps or other attached light fixtures: 140Toolboxes or tool kits: 140
Hot water: 138Footwear: 124
Scissors: 122Garage doors: 119
Mattresses: 116Water slides: 113
Recliner chairs: 113Sliding glass doors or panels: 112
Chain saws: 104Other windows or window glass: 104
Tractors: 104Water tubing: 103
Lawn mowers: 101Day wear: 101
Public equipment: 101Wheelchairs: 93
Wagons: 91Ductwork for heating or cooling systems: 91
Buckets or pails: 91Ramps or landings: 90
Minibikes, powered: 90Saws: 87
Wheelbarrows or lawn carts: 86Gutters, drainpipes, downspouts or run-off pipes: 86
Glass bathtub or shower enclosures: 84Paper products: 84
Crutches, canes or walkers: 84Canning jars or lids: 84
Hammocks: 84Electrical outlets or receptacles: 81
Fans: 81Chains: 81
Diving or diving boards: 81Fireworks: 80
Cigarette or pipe lighters: 80Seesaws or teeterboards: 80
Glass alcoholic beverage bottles: 78Upholstered footstools, ottomans or hassocks: 75
Storm windows: 75Street hockey: 75
Paper bags: 75Tennis: 75
Golf carts: 75Lighting equipment: 75
Baby strollers: 74Toy weapons: 74
Footlockers: 74Other nonglass doors: 73
Horseshoes: 72Book bags or back carriers: 72
Grocery or shopping carts: 69Electric heaters: 67
Snow tubing: 67Above-ground swimming pools: 67
Vises or workshop clamps: 67Sewing machines or accessories: 67
Electric heating pads: 67Waterbeds or water pillows: 67
Other manual pruning or trimming equipment: 67Lacrosse: 67
Beach chairs or folding chairs: 66Lubricants: 66
Flatware: 66Matches: 66
Paint or varnish thinners: 66Clotheslines or clothes drying racks: 66
General home or room involvement in fires: 66Skeet shooting: 66
Drinking fountains: 66Treehouses or playhouses: 62
Razors or shavers: 57Televisions: 56
Furniture: 56Escalators: 55
Grills: 50Other Irons: 49
Other toys: 44Workshop furnishings: 38
Pogo sticks: 38Other glass bottles or jars: 37
Charcoal or wood-burning grills: 37Flying toys: 37
Water heaters: 37Swimming pool equipment: 37
Desk supplies: 24Cookware: 24
Amusement attractions: 24Camping equipment: 24
Hammers: 24Wheeled riding toys, unpowered: 24
Windowsills or frames: 19Elevators or other lifts: 19
Awls, chisels or planes: 19Drills: 19
Hot tubs or home spas: 19Doorstops: 19
Floor furnaces: 19Drain cleaners: 19
Electric counter-top ovens, broilers or toaster ovens: 19Stilts: 19
Nonelectric razors or shavers: 19Scaffolding: 19
Swimming pool slides: 19Hand saws: 18
Radiators: 18Cardboard products: 18
Washing machines: 18Doorsills or frames: 18
Rugs or carpets: 18Squash, racquet ball or paddle ball: 18
Garden hoses, nozzles or sprinklers: 18Power tillers or cultivators: 18
Wading pools: 18Youth chairs: 18
Wood paneling and particleboard: 18Crib extender rails or youth bed rails: 12
Carts: 12Hair curlers, curling irons, clips & hairpins: 6
Other ranges: 6Microwave ovens: 6
Cribs: 6Lighter fluids: 6
Safes: 6Nonglass doors: 6
Bathtub or shower enclosures: 6Other glass doors: 6
Toilets: 6Electrical wire or wiring systems: 6
Screen doors: 6Toboggans: 6
Tetherball: 6Water toys: 6
Manual lawn trimmers or edgers: 6Tool sheds: 6
Seasonal decorations: 6

Back to the top does not guarantee the accuracy or timeliness of any information on this site.  Use at your own risk.  This data has been compiled from multiple government and commercial sources.  Additional information about prescription drugs is coming up.