Hospital and Nursing Home Profiles  

Accidents - 26-50 years old - Year 1998 - Upper Arm


Back to NEISS Data Home, Hospital Data.

Number Of Accidents (Estimate): 18,008
See also: Other years, Other age groups, Other body parts.

Accidents - Sex

Accidents - Race


Stairs or steps: 1,945Bicycles or accessories: 869
Floors or flooring materials: 710Horseback riding: 673
Windows or window glass: 600Bathtubs or showers: 479
Snow skiing: 472Porches, balconies, open-side floors or floor openings: 425
Ladders: 395Chairs: 383
Weight lifting: 356Fences or fence posts: 346
Ceilings and walls: 330Furniture: 325
Fishing: 289Doors: 283
House repair or construction materials: 282Tables: 275
Beds: 264Nails, screws, carpet tacks or thumbtacks: 246
Knives: 225All-terrain vehicles: 219
Snowmobiles: 218Softball: 217
Lawn mowers: 210Other unpowered garden tools: 207
Poles: 199Glass doors: 198
Luggage: 188Pruning or trimming equipment: 179
Wheelchairs: 173Ice skating: 170
In-line skating: 169Baseball: 168
Bedsprings or bedframes: 159Grills: 159
Chain saws: 152Pipes: 151
Cabinets, racks, room dividers and shelves: 150Doorsills or frames: 143
Soaps: 132Martial arts: 124
Scaffolding: 123Football: 114
Other fireplaces: 113Exercise: 112
Other ranges: 104Surfing: 95
Refrigerators: 95Tableware and accessories: 95
Hoists, lifts, jacks or jack stands: 93Riding power lawn mowers: 86
Snow boarding: 86Track and field: 84
Other furnaces: 84Nonelectric razors or shavers: 84
Cookware: 84Scissors: 84
Coffee makers or teapots: 84Upholstered footstools, ottomans or hassocks: 75
Levels: 75Towels or cloths: 75
Go-carts: 75Wire: 75
Exercise equipment: 75Rope or string: 75
Vending machines: 74Gas, air or spring-operated guns: 74
Aquariums or accessories: 74Adhesives: 74
Computers: 67Chains: 67
Aerosol containers: 67Greenhouse or gardening supplies: 67
Mattresses: 67Golf: 67
Wood paneling and particleboard: 66Skating: 66
Mirrors or mirror glass: 66Automatic doors: 66
Water skiing: 66Pliers, wire cutters or wrenches: 66
Handrails, railings or banisters: 57Containers: 38
Knives with replaceable blades: 38Fans: 38
Bags: 38Carts: 38
Billiards or pool: 38Cardboard products: 37
Seasonal decorations: 37Swings or swing sets: 37
Other toys: 19Ramps or landings: 19
Cigarettes, cigars, pipes or tobacco: 19Steam irons: 19
Mountain or all-terrain bicycles or accessories: 19Basketball: 19
Hatchets or axes: 19Lubricants: 19
Bench or table saws: 19Light bulbs: 19
School equipment: 18Mopeds or power-assisted cycles: 18
Rugs or carpets: 18Soccer: 18
Crutches, canes or walkers: 18Recliner chairs: 18
Step stools: 18Gas or LP grills or stoves: 18
Radiators: 18Lawn trimmers or edgers, powered: 18
Ball sports: 18Waste containers, trash baskets or refuse bins: 18
Wrestling: 18Sleds: 18
Electric heating pads: 18

Back to the top does not guarantee the accuracy or timeliness of any information on this site.  Use at your own risk.  This data has been compiled from multiple government and commercial sources.  Additional information about prescription drugs is coming up.