Beds or bedframes: 2,020 | Stairs or steps: 1,947 |
Sofas, couches, davenports, divans or studio couches: 841 | Floors or flooring materials: 482 |
Car seats: 389 | Chairs: 349 |
Cribs: 333 | Soaps: 227 |
Baby changing tables: 218 | Baby carriers: 180 |
Baby strollers: 177 | Swings or swing sets: 171 |
Rugs or carpets: 169 | Slides or sliding boards: 145 |
Grocery or shopping carts: 144 | Counters or countertops: 140 |
Laundry soaps or detergents: 139 | Tables: 133 |
High chairs: 127 | Desks, chests, bureaus or buffets: 121 |
Motor vehicles or parts: 114 | Bicycles or accessories: 108 |
Windows and window glass, other than storm windows: 104 | Baby bouncer seats: 92 |
Towels or cloths: 87 | Ceilings and walls: 87 |
Monkey bars, playground gyms or other playground climbing apparatus: 86 | Swimming pools: 84 |
Other baby carriers: 80 | General purpose household cleaners: 80 |
Bleaches: 80 | Gasoline: 80 |
House repair or construction materials: 74 | Coins: 71 |
Chair, recliner: 71 | Fabric treatment products: 70 |
Lubricants: 70 | Bleachers: 70 |
Baby carriages: 70 | First aid equipment: 69 |
Horseback riding: 61 | Baseball: 61 |
Toilets: 50 | Bedding: 31 |
Insect induced injuries: 31 | Trampolines: 31 |
Baby gates or barriers: 30 | Bunk beds: 26 |
Baby walkers or jumpers: 20 | Tableware and accessories: 15 |
Animal induced injury: 15 | Mattresses: 15 |
Benches: 15 | Handrails, railings or banisters: 15 |
Baby carriers or slings: 15 | Ladders: 15 |
Candles, candlesticks and other candle holders: 15 | Volleyball: 15 |
Hair curlers, curling irons, clips & hairpins: 15 | Amusement attractions: 15 |
Porches, balconies, open-side floors or floor openings: 15 | Fences or fence posts: 15 |
General home or room involvement in fires: 15 | Stools: 15 |
Football: 15 | Aerosol containers: 15 |
Furniture polishes or waxes: 15 | Other furnaces: 12 |
Radiators: 6 | Doors: 6 |
Other playground equipment: 6 | Padlocks, chain locks or other locks: 6 |
Clothing: 6 | Nightwear: 6 |
Other toys: 6 | Inflatable furniture: 6 |
Window screens: 6 | Clothing irons: 6 |
Bassinets or cradles: 6 | Knives: 6 |
Trains: 5 | Hot water: 5 |
Sleds: 5 | Furniture: 5 |
Cabinets, racks, room dividers and shelves: 5 | Bathtubs or showers: 5 |
Swimming: 5 |