Beds or bedframes: 8,257 | Sofas, couches, davenports, divans or studio couches: 5,734 |
Floors or flooring materials: 5,321 | Monkey bars, playground gyms or other playground climbing apparatus: 4,056 |
Stairs or steps: 3,034 | Chairs: 2,785 |
Trampolines: 2,305 | Slides or sliding boards: 2,288 |
Bicycles or accessories: 1,978 | Swings or swing sets: 1,748 |
Tables: 980 | Cribs: 757 |
Other toys: 721 | Playground equipment: 692 |
Bunk beds: 589 | Porches, balconies, open-side floors or floor openings: 521 |
Scooters, unpowered: 514 | Ceilings and walls: 424 |
Amusement attractions: 420 | Tricycles: 402 |
Car seats: 402 | Doors: 391 |
Other playground equipment: 382 | Stools: 380 |
All-terrain vehicles: 378 | Bathtubs or showers: 328 |
Day wear: 317 | Football: 303 |
Outerwear: 302 | Gymnastics: 298 |
Benches: 297 | Fences or fence posts: 291 |
Roller skating: 286 | Baby strollers: 283 |
Seesaws or teeterboards: 283 | Rugs or carpets: 238 |
Flotation toys: 233 | Ladders: 214 |
Grocery or shopping carts: 207 | Wagons: 204 |
Diapers: 201 | Bleachers: 192 |
Handrails, railings or banisters: 181 | Cabinets, racks, room dividers and shelves: 179 |
High chairs: 176 | Footwear: 170 |
Poles: 166 | Swimming pools: 165 |
Dancing: 164 | Clothing: 162 |
Desks, chests, bureaus or buffets: 162 | Baby changing tables: 162 |
Ice skating: 156 | Playpens: 150 |
Portable food or beverage coolers: 146 | Inflatable toys: 143 |
Barstools or kitchen stools: 129 | Chair, rocking: 129 |
Cheerleading: 110 | Animal induced injury: 110 |
Horseback riding: 109 | Chair, recliner: 107 |
Skateboards: 105 | Hair curlers, curling irons, clips & hairpins: 95 |
Furniture: 94 | Baby walkers or jumpers: 93 |
Heaters or heating systems: 92 | Billiards or pool: 87 |
Treehouses or playhouses: 85 | Garden hoses, nozzles or sprinklers: 85 |
Nightwear: 81 | Footstools, ottomans or hassocks: 80 |
Hot water: 80 | Windowsills or frames: 80 |
Room-sized, wall-to-wall or outdoor carpeting: 75 | Tableware and accessories: 75 |
Wheelchairs: 71 | Children's play tents, play tunnels or other enclosures: 70 |
Toy sports equipment: 70 | Above-ground swimming pools: 70 |
Swimming pool equipment: 70 | Snow skiing: 70 |
Exercise: 70 | Nonelectric blankets: 70 |
Other toy guns: 70 | Scooters/skateboards, powered: 70 |
Riding toys: 69 | Soccer: 68 |
In-line skating: 61 | Containers: 56 |
Mattresses: 56 | Basketball: 55 |
Portable cribs: 55 | Televisions: 51 |
Windows and window glass, other than storm windows: 47 | Counters or countertops: 44 |
Nonwheeled riding toys, unpowered: 42 | Waterbeds or water pillows: 40 |
Refrigerators: 37 | Pillows: 36 |
Ball sports: 32 | Bars and bar accessories: 31 |
Golf carts: 30 | Toilets: 30 |
Sports and recreational activity: 29 | Exercise equipment: 27 |
Skating: 27 | Buckets or pails: 26 |
Baseball: 21 | Martial arts: 21 |
Freezers: 21 | Pet supplies: 21 |
Toddler beds: 20 | Toy boxes or chests: 20 |
Portable baby swings: 20 | Escalators: 20 |
Other fireplaces: 15 | Waste containers, trash baskets or refuse bins: 15 |
Camping equipment: 15 | Paper products: 15 |
Runners, throw rugs or doormats: 15 | Pictures, picture frames or wall decorations: 15 |
Beach chairs or folding chairs: 15 | Cookware: 15 |
Manual cleaning equipment: 15 | Baby carriers or slings: 15 |
Decorative yard equipment: 15 | Greenhouse or gardening supplies: 15 |
Wading pools: 15 | Boxing: 15 |
Foods: 15 | Other baby carriers: 15 |
Vacuum containers: 15 | Water slides: 15 |
Jewelry: 15 | Other furniture: 15 |
Public equipment: 12 | Wheeled riding toys, unpowered: 11 |
Crayons or chalk: 11 | Step stools: 10 |
Ramps or landings: 10 | Computers: 10 |
Baby gates or barriers: 10 | Medical equipment, general: 6 |
Blocks, stacking toys or pull toys: 6 | Cardboard products: 6 |
Baby bouncer seats: 6 | Watches: 6 |
Laundry hampers: 6 | Cabinet or door hardware: 6 |
Bowling: 6 | Books, magazines, albums or scrapbooks: 6 |
Christmas decorations: 6 | Clothing accessories: 6 |
Cords, electrical: 6 | Baby carriers: 6 |
Nonelectric toothbrushes: 6 | Hammocks: 6 |
Stereo or hi-fi components or accessories: 6 | Vaporizers: 6 |
Other sound recording, reproducing or receiving equipment: 5 | Rope or string: 5 |
Carts: 5 | Bed rails: 5 |
Motor vehicles or parts: 5 | Towels or cloths: 5 |
Window screens: 5 | Metal containers: 5 |
Nails, screws, carpet tacks or thumbtacks: 5 | Fishing: 5 |
Draperies, curtains or shower curtains: 5 | Laundry baskets: 5 |
Other ranges or ovens: 5 | Detergents: 5 |
Plants, trees and shrubs: 5 | Musical instruments, not electric or not battery operated: 5 |