Beds: 5,358 | Sofas, couches, davenports, divans or studio couches: 2,373 |
Stairs or steps: 2,282 | Floors or flooring materials: 1,548 |
Chairs: 1,480 | Bicycles or accessories: 796 |
Swings or swing sets: 707 | Bunk beds: 690 |
Slides or sliding boards: 576 | Tables: 531 |
Cribs: 472 | Desks, chests, bureaus or buffets: 335 |
Counters or countertops: 319 | Monkey bars, playground gyms or other playground climbing apparatus: 281 |
Grocery or shopping carts: 276 | Ceilings and walls: 242 |
Benches: 212 | Bathtubs or showers: 204 |
Exercise equipment: 203 | Trampolines: 202 |
Porches, balconies, open-side floors or floor openings: 189 | Playground equipment: 189 |
Cabinets, racks, room dividers and shelves: 182 | Other toys: 167 |
Hammocks: 160 | Wagons: 157 |
Football: 149 | Skateboards: 145 |
Barstools or kitchen stools: 145 | High chairs: 144 |
Basketball: 143 | Hot water: 140 |
Windows or window glass: 139 | Car seats: 115 |
Nonwheeled riding toys, unpowered: 111 | Gymnastics: 98 |
Handrails, railings or banisters: 95 | Swimming pools: 89 |
Doors: 89 | Televisions: 85 |
Recliner chairs: 84 | Other ranges: 83 |
Christmas decorations: 83 | Cookware: 80 |
Coffee makers or teapots: 80 | Faucets or spigots: 78 |
Baby walkers or jumpers: 76 | Wading pools: 76 |
Hockey: 75 | All-terrain vehicles: 74 |
House repair or construction materials: 74 | Towels or cloths: 68 |
Drinking glasses: 68 | Wood paneling and particleboard: 68 |
Swimming pool slides: 68 | General home or room involvement in fires: 67 |
Weight lifting: 67 | Dancing: 67 |
Water slides: 67 | Other furniture: 67 |
Camping equipment: 67 | Metal containers: 67 |
Bowling: 67 | Gas, air or spring-operated guns: 67 |
Bleachers: 67 | Wheeled riding toys, unpowered: 67 |
Lawn mowers: 67 | Window shades, venetian blinds or indoor shutters: 67 |
Portable baby swings: 67 | Carts: 67 |
Pet supplies: 67 | Rugs or carpets: 66 |
Greenhouse or gardening supplies: 60 | Wire: 60 |
Wrestling: 60 | Martial arts: 60 |
Other stools: 60 | Toilets: 60 |
Baseball: 56 | Grills: 54 |
Scooters, unpowered: 53 | Tricycles: 51 |
Riding toys: 44 | Convertible beds, hideaway beds or sofa beds: 38 |
Blankets: 38 | Other ball sports: 38 |
Sports and recreational activity: 34 | Other playground equipment: 32 |
Softball: 30 | Aquariums or accessories: 30 |
Exercise: 30 | Ball sports: 27 |
Tableware and accessories: 26 | Baby strollers: 26 |
Ladders: 26 | Hair curlers, curling irons, clips & hairpins: 21 |
Attachable high chairs: 20 | Baby changing tables: 20 |
Screen doors: 20 | Containers: 20 |
Baby gates or barriers: 20 | Other Irons: 17 |
Furniture: 15 | Automatic doors: 15 |
Youth chairs: 15 | Refrigerators: 15 |
Laundry baskets: 15 | Toy boxes or chests: 15 |
Powered riding toys: 15 | Seesaws or teeterboards: 15 |
Playpens: 15 | Diapers: 15 |
Knives: 15 | Footwear: 15 |
Projectors: 15 | Manual cleaning equipment: 15 |
Amusement attractions: 11 | Surfing: 5 |
Poles: 5 | Garden tractors: 5 |
In-line skating: 5 | Inflatable furniture: 5 |
Pens and pencils: 5 | Beach chairs or folding chairs: 5 |
Clothing: 5 | Candles, candlesticks and other candle holders: 5 |
Doorsills or frames: 5 | Drapery or curtain rods, hooks or rings: 5 |
Boxing: 5 | Decorative yard equipment: 5 |
Floor lamps or table lamps: 5 | Fences or fence posts: 5 |
Crib extender rails or youth bed rails: 5 | Sinks: 5 |