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Number Of Accidents (Estimate): 8,493
See also: Other years, Other age groups, Other body parts.
Accidents - Related Products:
Products:Beds: 1,258 | Stairs or steps: 1,124 | Sofas, couches, davenports, divans or studio couches: 718 | Floors or flooring materials: 564 | Car seats: 464 | Grocery or shopping carts: 389 | Bunk beds: 249 | Cribs: 173 | Tables: 161 | Coins: 160 | Bicycles or accessories: 156 | Doors: 144 | Bathtubs or showers: 142 | Chairs: 132 | Windows or window glass: 132 | Baby carriers: 107 | Other baby carriers: 104 | Baby strollers: 104 | Swings or swing sets: 104 | Counters or countertops: 97 | Adhesives: 88 | Bleaches: 80 | Wagons: 76 | Baby changing tables: 76 | Glass doors: 76 | Soccer: 76 | Chemicals: 71 | All-terrain vehicles: 71 | Keys, key rings or key chains: 71 | Electric Christmas decorations: 68 | Automotive chemicals: 68 | Clothing accessories: 68 | Cardboard products: 66 | Dyes: 66 | Balloons: 66 | Baby walkers or jumpers: 66 | Swimming: 66 | Monkey bars, playground gyms or other playground climbing apparatus: 64 | Portable baby swings: 46 | Porches, balconies, open-side floors or floor openings: 46 | Desks, chests, bureaus or buffets: 45 | Nails, screws, carpet tacks or thumbtacks: 41 | Rugs or carpets: 39 | General home or room involvement in fires: 36 | High chairs: 34 | Ceilings and walls: 34 | Slides or sliding boards: 23 | Futons: 23 | Other toys: 23 | Swimming pools: 23 | Built-in swimming pools: 18 | Molding compounds: 18 | Bleachers: 18 | House repair or construction materials: 18 | Luggage: 17 | Bassinets or cradles: 17 | Baby bottles or nipples: 17 | Carts: 17 | General purpose household cleaners: 17 | Trampolines: 17 | Scaffolding: 17 | Personal protection devices: 5 | Day wear: 5 | Baby exercisers: 5 | Clothing: 5 | Christmas decorations: 5 | Sleds: 5 | Roller skating: 5 | Paper products: 5 | Playground equipment: 5 | Exercise equipment: 5 | Benches: 5 | Mattresses: 5 | Washing machines: 5 | Rocking chairs: 5 | Pillows: 5 | Sinks: 5 | Treehouses or playhouses: 5 |
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