Hospital and Nursing Home Profiles  

Accidents - 0-5 years old - Year 1999 - Neck


Back to NEISS Data Home, Hospital Data.

Number Of Accidents (Estimate): 10,606
See also: Other years, Other age groups, Other body parts.

Accidents - Sex

Accidents - Race


Beds: 1,644Trampolines: 649
Stairs or steps: 549Other toys: 516
Floors or flooring materials: 460Sofas, couches, davenports, divans or studio couches: 443
Chairs: 327Bunk beds: 322
Monkey bars, playground gyms or other playground climbing apparatus: 261Bicycles or accessories: 244
Swings or swing sets: 201Coins: 183
Fences or fence posts: 170Clothing accessories: 166
Slides or sliding boards: 161Gymnastics: 161
Counters or countertops: 156Hot water: 153
Nonelectric toothbrushes: 147Gas, air or spring-operated guns: 113
Desks, chests, bureaus or buffets: 108Window shades, venetian blinds or indoor shutters: 106
Porches, balconies, open-side floors or floor openings: 104Containers: 98
Car seats: 94Tableware and accessories: 93
Poles: 93Pillows: 89
Tables: 87Day wear: 86
All-terrain vehicles: 85Step stools: 84
Billiards or pool: 81Football: 77
Rope or string: 77Wheeled riding toys, unpowered: 76
Built-in swimming pools: 76Amusement attractions: 72
Footwear: 71Recliner chairs: 71
Toy boxes or chests: 71Marbles: 68
Snowmobiles: 68Sheets or pillowcases: 68
Mattresses: 68Powered riding toys: 66
Bedsprings or bedframes: 66Exercise equipment: 66
Desk supplies: 66Baby bottles or nipples: 66
Luggage: 66Bassinets or cradles: 66
Children's play tents, play tunnels or other enclosures: 66Roller skating: 66
Bathtubs or showers: 59Cookware: 59
Convertible beds, hideaway beds or sofa beds: 41Lawn mowers: 38
Blankets: 38Baby carriers or slings: 35
Ceilings and walls: 34Soccer: 29
Grocery or shopping carts: 28In-line skating: 28
Ball sports: 28Wrestling: 23
Cribs: 23Baby strollers: 23
Cabinets, racks, room dividers and shelves: 23Playpens: 18
Outerwear: 18Exercise: 17
High chairs: 17Toilets: 17
Knickknacks, statues, vases or urns: 17Wire: 17
Bottles or jars: 17Golf: 17
Treehouses or playhouses: 17Baseball: 17
Wagons: 16Hair curlers, curling irons, clips & hairpins: 10
Doors: 10Towels or cloths: 5
Combs or hairbrushes: 5Basketball: 5
Cardboard products: 5Other playground equipment: 5
Fishing: 5Other ball sports: 5
Chains: 5Benches: 5
Light bulbs: 5Playground equipment: 5
Swimming: 5Dollies, handtrucks or luggage carriers: 5
Dancing: 5Other ranges: 5
Manual cleaning equipment: 5Inflatable furniture: 5
Inflatable toys: 5Toy sports equipment: 5
Rocking chairs: 5Cigarette or pipe lighters: 5
Seesaws or teeterboards: 5Windowsills or frames: 5
Bars and bar accessories: 5Aquariums or accessories: 5
BBs or pellets: 5

Back to the top does not guarantee the accuracy or timeliness of any information on this site.  Use at your own risk.  This data has been compiled from multiple government and commercial sources.  Additional information about prescription drugs is coming up.