Submitted by:Jeff Okazaki, Public Relations Manager

Services provided by RAINBOW HOSPICE, INC:

Physicians (The number of full-time equivalent physicians employed by a provider): 3

Licensed pract/vocat nurses (Number of full-time equivalent licensed practical or vocational nurses employed by a facility): 3

Other personnel (The number of full-time equivalent other salaried personnel employed by a facility): 41

Registered nurses (The number of full-time equivalent registered professional nurses employed by a provider): 56

Related provider number (This field is used when a provider's facility contains more than one distinct provider,such as a hospital with distinct part long term care. the number in this field will be the provider nmbr of the highest level of care): 147471

Srv: occupational therapy (Indicates how occupational therapy services are provided): PROVIDED UNDER ARRANGEMENT

Srv: physical therapy (Indicates how physical therapy services are provided): INCLUDED IN PROGRAM IF REQUIRED

Srv: speech pathology (Indicates how speech pathology services are provided): PROVIDED UNDER ARRANGEMENT

Type of facility (Indicates the category which represents the type of facility): HOSPICE

Medical social workers (Number of full-time equivalent medical social workers employed by a hospital or hospice): 10

Srv: medical social (Indicates how medical social services are provided): PROVIDED BY STAFF

Srv: nursing (Indicates how nursing services are provided): PROVIDED BY STAFF

Total # of employees (The total number of full-time employees in a hospice or an intermediate care facility/mental retardation facility): 200

Srv: physician (Indicates how physician services are provided): PROVIDED BY EMPLOYEES & PERSONAL PHYSICIANS

Acute/respite care indicator (Indicates if the hospice provides acute and/or respite short term inpatient care): ACUTE INPATIENT CARE IN FACILITY & RESPITE CARE PROV IN HSP

Counselors - Volunteer (The number of full-time equivalent volunteer counselors in a hospice): 50

Home health aides - Volunteer (The number of full-time equivalent volunteer home health aides in a hospice): 34

Srv: counseling (Indicates how counseling services are provided by a hospice): PROVIDED BY STAFF & VOLUNTEERS

Srv: home health aide (Indicates how home health aide services are provided by a hospice): PROVIDED BY STAFF & PROVIDED UNDER ARRANGEMENT

Srv: homemaker (Indicates how homemaker services are provided by a hospice): PROVIDED UNDER ARRANGEMENT

Srv: medical supplies (Indicates how medical supplies services are provided by a hospice): PROVIDED UNDER ARRANGEMENT & INCLUDED IN TREATMENT

Srv: short term inpatient care (Indicates how short term inpatient care services are provided by a hospice): PROVIDED BY HOSPICE INPATIENT FACILITY OR IN-HOSPITAL ACUTE CARE

Volunteers - Total (The number of full-time volunteers in a hospice): 375

Compliance: plan of correction (Indicates if a provider is in compliance with program requirements based on an acceptable plan for correction of deficiencies): COMPLIANCE BASED ON ACCEPTABLE POC

Compliance: status (Indicates if a provider or supplier is in compliance with program requirements): IN COMPLIANCE

Current survey date (The date of the health or life safety code survey, whichever is later. the "official" survey date for the provider): JUNE 2008

Eligibility code (Indicates if a facility is eligible to participate in the Medicare and/or Medicaid programs): ELIGIBLE TO PARTICIPATE

Participation date (The date a facility is first approved to provide Medicare and/or Medicaid services): Jan 1988

Institution representatives - add corrected or new information about RAINBOW HOSPICE, INC »

Phone (make sure to verify first before calling): (847) 699-2000

Other nearby nursing homes

Employment Full-Time Equivalent
Licensed Practical Or Vocational Nurses : 1.00
Registered Professional Nurses : 18.20
Other Salaried Personnel : 1.00
Physicians : 0.50
Medical Social Workers : 6.00
Volunteer Counselors : 1.00
Volunteer Home Health Aides : 2.75

Provided Services
Counseling Services
Home Health Aide Services
Homemaker Services
Medical Social Services
Medical Supplies Services
Nursing Services
Occupational Therapy Services
Other (Not Specified) Services
Physical Therapy Services
Physician Services
Short Term Inpatient Care Services
Speech Pathology Services

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