Hospital and Nursing Home Profiles  

Accidents - Exercise - 50+ years old - Year 2000


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Number Of Accidents (Estimate): 24,865
See also: Lethal accidents, Other years, Other age groups, Other products.

Accidents - Sex

Accidents - Race

Accidents - Body Parts:
Knee:3,433Lower Trunk:3,040
Ankle:2,912Upper Trunk:2,693
Lower Leg:1,855Foot:1,756
All Of Body:1,679Face:1,378
Lower Arm:485Toe:443
Upper Leg:438Upper Arm:430
25 - 50% Body:104

National Electronic Injury Surveillance System Accidents Records

Displaying 300 out of 577 NEISS Accidents ER Records.

Date: 12/31/2000Age: 82 yearsSex: MaleRace: White
Location: HomeFire: No fire involvement or fire involvement not recorded
Body part: FaceDiagnosis: Contusion Or Abrasion
Product: Exercise
Disposition: Treated and released or examined and released without treatment

Date: 12/30/2000Age: 58 yearsSex: MaleRace: Not stated in ER record
Location: Place of recreation or sportsFire: No fire involvement or fire involvement not recorded
Body part: AnkleDiagnosis: Fracture
Product: Exercise
Disposition: Treated and released or examined and released without treatment

Date: 12/29/2000Age: 63 yearsSex: FemaleRace: Other
Location: Not recordedFire: No fire involvement or fire involvement not recorded
Body part: ShoulderDiagnosis: Fracture
Product: Exercise
Disposition: Treated and released or examined and released without treatment

Date: 12/28/2000Age: 54 yearsSex: MaleRace: White
Location: Place of recreation or sportsFire: No fire involvement or fire involvement not recorded
Body part: Upper LegDiagnosis: Strain, Sprain
Product: Exercise
Disposition: Treated and released or examined and released without treatment

Date: 12/26/2000Age: 56 yearsSex: MaleRace: Black/African American
Location: Place of recreation or sportsFire: No fire involvement or fire involvement not recorded
Body part: KneeDiagnosis: Contusion Or Abrasion
Product: Exercise
Disposition: Treated and released or examined and released without treatment

Date: 12/26/2000Age: 64 yearsSex: MaleRace: Other
Location: Street or highwayFire: No fire involvement or fire involvement not recorded
Body part: FaceDiagnosis: Contusion Or Abrasion
Product: Exercise
Disposition: Treated and released or examined and released without treatment

Date: 12/26/2000Age: 60 yearsSex: MaleRace: White
Location: Street or highwayFire: No fire involvement or fire involvement not recorded
Body part: All Of BodyDiagnosis: Other
Product: Exercise
Disposition: Treated and admitted for hospitalization (within same facility)

Date: 12/26/2000Age: 63 yearsSex: FemaleRace: White
Location: Not recordedFire: No fire involvement or fire involvement not recorded
Body part: ShoulderDiagnosis: Dislocation
Product: Exercise
Disposition: Treated and released or examined and released without treatment

Date: 12/25/2000Age: 82 yearsSex: FemaleRace: Other
Location: Other public propertyFire: No fire involvement or fire involvement not recorded
Body part: KneeDiagnosis: Strain, Sprain
Product: Exercise
Disposition: Treated and released or examined and released without treatment

Date: 12/25/2000Age: 74 yearsSex: FemaleRace: Not stated in ER record
Location: HomeFire: No fire involvement or fire involvement not recorded
Body part: Upper TrunkDiagnosis: Fracture
Product: Exercise
Disposition: Treated and released or examined and released without treatment

Date: 12/24/2000Age: 60 yearsSex: MaleRace: White
Location: Other public propertyFire: No fire involvement or fire involvement not recorded
Body part: NeckDiagnosis: Strain, Sprain
Product: Exercise, Camping equipment
Disposition: Treated and released or examined and released without treatment

Date: 12/23/2000Age: 74 yearsSex: MaleRace: White
Location: Not recordedFire: No fire involvement or fire involvement not recorded
Body part: Lower TrunkDiagnosis: Other
Product: Exercise
Disposition: Treated and admitted for hospitalization (within same facility)

Date: 12/23/2000Age: 79 yearsSex: FemaleRace: White
Location: Place of recreation or sportsFire: No fire involvement or fire involvement not recorded
Body part: Upper TrunkDiagnosis: Strain, Sprain
Product: Exercise
Disposition: Treated and released or examined and released without treatment

Date: 12/23/2000Age: 85 yearsSex: FemaleRace: White
Location: Not recordedFire: No fire involvement or fire involvement not recorded
Body part: Lower TrunkDiagnosis: Strain, Sprain
Product: Exercise
Disposition: Treated and released or examined and released without treatment

Date: 12/21/2000Age: 64 yearsSex: MaleRace: White
Location: Other public propertyFire: No fire involvement or fire involvement not recorded
Body part: Upper TrunkDiagnosis: Other
Product: Exercise
Disposition: Treated and released or examined and released without treatment

Date: 12/20/2000Age: 56 yearsSex: MaleRace: Not stated in ER record
Location: Not recordedFire: No fire involvement or fire involvement not recorded
Body part: Lower LegDiagnosis: Fracture
Product: Exercise, Footwear
Disposition: Treated and released or examined and released without treatment

Date: 12/20/2000Age: 62 yearsSex: MaleRace: Other
Location: Not recordedFire: No fire involvement or fire involvement not recorded
Body part: WristDiagnosis: Fracture
Product: Exercise
Disposition: Treated and released or examined and released without treatment

Date: 12/20/2000Age: 67 yearsSex: FemaleRace: White
Location: Not recordedFire: No fire involvement or fire involvement not recorded
Body part: KneeDiagnosis: Strain, Sprain
Product: Exercise
Disposition: Treated and released or examined and released without treatment

Date: 12/20/2000Age: 69 yearsSex: FemaleRace: White
Location: HomeFire: No fire involvement or fire involvement not recorded
Body part: HeadDiagnosis: Contusion Or Abrasion
Product: Exercise
Disposition: Treated and released or examined and released without treatment

Date: 12/19/2000Age: 57 yearsSex: FemaleRace: White
Location: Place of recreation or sportsFire: No fire involvement or fire involvement not recorded
Body part: FaceDiagnosis: Laceration
Product: Exercise
Disposition: Treated and released or examined and released without treatment

Date: 12/19/2000Age: 59 yearsSex: MaleRace: Not stated in ER record
Location: HomeFire: No fire involvement or fire involvement not recorded
Body part: UnkownDiagnosis: Other
Product: Exercise
Disposition: Treated and released or examined and released without treatment

Date: 12/18/2000Age: 65 yearsSex: FemaleRace: White
Location: Place of recreation or sportsFire: No fire involvement or fire involvement not recorded
Body part: AnkleDiagnosis: Fracture
Product: Exercise
Disposition: Treated and released or examined and released without treatment

Date: 12/18/2000Age: 71 yearsSex: FemaleRace: White
Location: Place of recreation or sportsFire: No fire involvement or fire involvement not recorded
Body part: FootDiagnosis: Strain, Sprain
Product: Exercise
Disposition: Treated and released or examined and released without treatment

Date: 12/11/2000Age: 64 yearsSex: MaleRace: White
Location: Not recordedFire: No fire involvement or fire involvement not recorded
Body part: FootDiagnosis: Fracture
Product: Exercise, Doorsills or frames
Disposition: Treated and released or examined and released without treatment

Date: 12/09/2000Age: 67 yearsSex: MaleRace: Other
Location: Not recordedFire: No fire involvement or fire involvement not recorded
Body part: Upper TrunkDiagnosis: Fracture
Product: Exercise
Disposition: Treated and released or examined and released without treatment

Date: 12/09/2000Age: 53 yearsSex: FemaleRace: White
Location: Place of recreation or sportsFire: No fire involvement or fire involvement not recorded
Body part: KneeDiagnosis: Other
Product: Exercise
Disposition: Treated and released or examined and released without treatment

Date: 12/06/2000Age: 55 yearsSex: FemaleRace: White
Location: Not recordedFire: No fire involvement or fire involvement not recorded
Body part: Lower TrunkDiagnosis: Not Stated Or Unknown
Product: Exercise
Disposition: Treated and released or examined and released without treatment

Date: 12/04/2000Age: 51 yearsSex: FemaleRace: White
Location: Not recordedFire: No fire involvement or fire involvement not recorded
Body part: KneeDiagnosis: Contusion Or Abrasion
Product: Exercise
Disposition: Treated and released or examined and released without treatment

Date: 12/03/2000Age: 81 yearsSex: MaleRace: White
Location: Not recordedFire: No fire involvement or fire involvement not recorded
Body part: FingerDiagnosis: Laceration
Product: Exercise
Disposition: Treated and released or examined and released without treatment

Date: 12/01/2000Age: 55 yearsSex: FemaleRace: White
Location: HomeFire: No fire involvement or fire involvement not recorded
Body part: Upper TrunkDiagnosis: Other
Product: Exercise
Disposition: Treated and released or examined and released without treatment

Date: 12/01/2000Age: 62 yearsSex: MaleRace: White
Location: HomeFire: No fire involvement or fire involvement not recorded
Body part: FingerDiagnosis: Fracture
Product: Exercise
Disposition: Treated and released or examined and released without treatment

Date: 11/30/2000Age: 90 yearsSex: MaleRace: Not stated in ER record
Location: HomeFire: No fire involvement or fire involvement not recorded
Body part: Upper TrunkDiagnosis: Other
Product: Exercise
Disposition: Treated and released or examined and released without treatment

Date: 11/30/2000Age: 51 yearsSex: MaleRace: Not stated in ER record
Location: Other public propertyFire: No fire involvement or fire involvement not recorded
Body part: ShoulderDiagnosis: Other
Product: Exercise
Disposition: Treated and released or examined and released without treatment

Date: 11/30/2000Age: 57 yearsSex: FemaleRace: White
Location: Not recordedFire: No fire involvement or fire involvement not recorded
Body part: KneeDiagnosis: Strain, Sprain
Product: Exercise
Disposition: Treated and released or examined and released without treatment

Date: 11/30/2000Age: 52 yearsSex: FemaleRace: White
Location: HomeFire: No fire involvement or fire involvement not recorded
Body part: NeckDiagnosis: Strain, Sprain
Product: Exercise
Disposition: Treated and released or examined and released without treatment

Date: 11/27/2000Age: 62 yearsSex: MaleRace: Not stated in ER record
Location: Other public propertyFire: No fire involvement or fire involvement not recorded
Body part: Upper TrunkDiagnosis: Other
Product: Exercise
Disposition: Treated and released or examined and released without treatment

Date: 11/25/2000Age: 77 yearsSex: MaleRace: Not stated in ER record
Location: Not recordedFire: No fire involvement or fire involvement not recorded
Body part: FootDiagnosis: Strain, Sprain
Product: Exercise
Disposition: Treated and released or examined and released without treatment

Date: 11/25/2000Age: 79 yearsSex: FemaleRace: White
Location: HomeFire: No fire involvement or fire involvement not recorded
Body part: KneeDiagnosis: Fracture
Product: Exercise
Disposition: Treated and released or examined and released without treatment

Date: 11/22/2000Age: 52 yearsSex: FemaleRace: Not stated in ER record
Location: Other public propertyFire: No fire involvement or fire involvement not recorded
Body part: WristDiagnosis: Fracture
Product: Exercise
Disposition: Treated and released or examined and released without treatment

Date: 11/22/2000Age: 53 yearsSex: MaleRace: Not stated in ER record
Location: Place of recreation or sportsFire: No fire involvement or fire involvement not recorded
Body part: HandDiagnosis: Fracture
Product: Exercise
Disposition: Treated and released or examined and released without treatment

Date: 11/21/2000Age: 70 yearsSex: MaleRace: Black/African American
Location: Not recordedFire: No fire involvement or fire involvement not recorded
Body part: MouthDiagnosis: Laceration
Product: Exercise
Disposition: Treated and released or examined and released without treatment

Date: 11/21/2000Age: 59 yearsSex: MaleRace: Black/African American
Location: Not recordedFire: No fire involvement or fire involvement not recorded
Body part: EyeballDiagnosis: Dermat Or Conj
Product: Exercise
Disposition: Treated and released or examined and released without treatment

Date: 11/16/2000Age: 67 yearsSex: FemaleRace: White
Location: Not recordedFire: No fire involvement or fire involvement not recorded
Body part: AnkleDiagnosis: Strain, Sprain
Product: Exercise
Disposition: Treated and released or examined and released without treatment

Date: 11/09/2000Age: 67 yearsSex: FemaleRace: Black/African American
Location: Not recordedFire: No fire involvement or fire involvement not recorded
Body part: KneeDiagnosis: Strain, Sprain
Product: Exercise
Disposition: Treated and released or examined and released without treatment

Date: 11/06/2000Age: 68 yearsSex: FemaleRace: White
Location: Not recordedFire: No fire involvement or fire involvement not recorded
Body part: FootDiagnosis: Strain, Sprain
Product: Exercise
Disposition: Treated and released or examined and released without treatment

Date: 11/05/2000Age: 51 yearsSex: FemaleRace: White
Location: Not recordedFire: No fire involvement or fire involvement not recorded
Body part: AnkleDiagnosis: Strain, Sprain
Product: Exercise
Disposition: Treated and released or examined and released without treatment

Date: 11/03/2000Age: 53 yearsSex: FemaleRace: White
Location: Place of recreation or sportsFire: No fire involvement or fire involvement not recorded
Body part: AnkleDiagnosis: Fracture
Product: Exercise
Disposition: Treated and released or examined and released without treatment

Date: 11/01/2000Age: 57 yearsSex: FemaleRace: White
Location: Not recordedFire: No fire involvement or fire involvement not recorded
Body part: AnkleDiagnosis: Strain, Sprain
Product: Exercise
Disposition: Treated and released or examined and released without treatment

Date: 10/27/2000Age: 51 yearsSex: MaleRace: White
Location: HomeFire: No fire involvement or fire involvement not recorded
Body part: Upper TrunkDiagnosis: Other
Product: Exercise
Disposition: Treated and released or examined and released without treatment

Date: 10/27/2000Age: 54 yearsSex: FemaleRace: White
Location: Other public propertyFire: No fire involvement or fire involvement not recorded
Body part: Upper TrunkDiagnosis: Contusion Or Abrasion
Product: Exercise
Disposition: Treated and released or examined and released without treatment

Date: 10/27/2000Age: 73 yearsSex: MaleRace: White
Location: Street or highwayFire: No fire involvement or fire involvement not recorded
Body part: FaceDiagnosis: Contusion Or Abrasion
Product: Exercise
Disposition: Treated and released or examined and released without treatment

Date: 10/27/2000Age: 52 yearsSex: MaleRace: White
Location: Not recordedFire: No fire involvement or fire involvement not recorded
Body part: ShoulderDiagnosis: Fracture
Product: Exercise
Disposition: Treated and released or examined and released without treatment

Date: 10/26/2000Age: 60 yearsSex: FemaleRace: White
Location: HomeFire: No fire involvement or fire involvement not recorded
Body part: Upper TrunkDiagnosis: Other
Product: Exercise
Disposition: Treated and admitted for hospitalization (within same facility)

Date: 10/26/2000Age: 76 yearsSex: FemaleRace: White
Location: Other public propertyFire: No fire involvement or fire involvement not recorded
Body part: Lower TrunkDiagnosis: Other
Product: Exercise
Disposition: Treated and released or examined and released without treatment

Date: 10/25/2000Age: 75 yearsSex: MaleRace: Not stated in ER record
Location: Not recordedFire: No fire involvement or fire involvement not recorded
Body part: AnkleDiagnosis: Fracture
Product: Exercise
Disposition: Treated and admitted for hospitalization (within same facility)

Date: 10/25/2000Age: 74 yearsSex: FemaleRace: White
Location: Not recordedFire: No fire involvement or fire involvement not recorded
Body part: Lower TrunkDiagnosis: Dislocation
Product: Exercise
Disposition: Treated and released or examined and released without treatment

Date: 10/23/2000Age: 53 yearsSex: FemaleRace: White
Location: Street or highwayFire: No fire involvement or fire involvement not recorded
Body part: WristDiagnosis: Fracture
Product: Exercise
Disposition: Treated and released or examined and released without treatment

Date: 10/23/2000Age: 57 yearsSex: MaleRace: Not stated in ER record
Location: Not recordedFire: No fire involvement or fire involvement not recorded
Body part: Lower TrunkDiagnosis: Strain, Sprain
Product: Exercise
Disposition: Treated and released or examined and released without treatment

Date: 10/22/2000Age: 59 yearsSex: FemaleRace: White
Location: Not recordedFire: No fire involvement or fire involvement not recorded
Body part: Lower ArmDiagnosis: Fracture
Product: Exercise
Disposition: Treated and released or examined and released without treatment

Date: 10/22/2000Age: 58 yearsSex: MaleRace: Not stated in ER record
Location: Not recordedFire: No fire involvement or fire involvement not recorded
Body part: All Of BodyDiagnosis: Other
Product: Exercise
Disposition: Treated and released or examined and released without treatment

Date: 10/21/2000Age: 71 yearsSex: FemaleRace: White
Location: Place of recreation or sportsFire: No fire involvement or fire involvement not recorded
Body part: AnkleDiagnosis: Strain, Sprain
Product: Exercise
Disposition: Treated and released or examined and released without treatment

Date: 10/20/2000Age: 78 yearsSex: FemaleRace: Not stated in ER record
Location: Not recordedFire: No fire involvement or fire involvement not recorded
Body part: WristDiagnosis: Fracture
Product: Exercise
Disposition: Treated and released or examined and released without treatment

Date: 10/20/2000Age: 54 yearsSex: MaleRace: White
Location: Place of recreation or sportsFire: No fire involvement or fire involvement not recorded
Body part: HeadDiagnosis: Inter Organ Injury
Product: Exercise
Disposition: Treated and released or examined and released without treatment

Date: 10/19/2000Age: 53 yearsSex: FemaleRace: Other
Location: Not recordedFire: No fire involvement or fire involvement not recorded
Body part: AnkleDiagnosis: Strain, Sprain
Product: Exercise
Disposition: Treated and released or examined and released without treatment

Date: 10/19/2000Age: 77 yearsSex: MaleRace: White
Location: Not recordedFire: No fire involvement or fire involvement not recorded
Body part: All Of BodyDiagnosis: Other
Product: Exercise
Disposition: Treated and admitted for hospitalization (within same facility)

Date: 10/14/2000Age: 52 yearsSex: MaleRace: White
Location: Street or highwayFire: No fire involvement or fire involvement not recorded
Body part: Upper TrunkDiagnosis: Other
Product: Exercise
Disposition: Treated and released or examined and released without treatment

Date: 10/13/2000Age: 77 yearsSex: FemaleRace: White
Location: Not recordedFire: No fire involvement or fire involvement not recorded
Body part: AnkleDiagnosis: Other
Product: Exercise
Disposition: Treated and released or examined and released without treatment

Date: 10/12/2000Age: 81 yearsSex: FemaleRace: White
Location: Not recordedFire: No fire involvement or fire involvement not recorded
Body part: HandDiagnosis: Contusion Or Abrasion
Product: Exercise
Disposition: Treated and released or examined and released without treatment

Date: 10/12/2000Age: 68 yearsSex: MaleRace: White
Location: Not recordedFire: No fire involvement or fire involvement not recorded
Body part: Lower TrunkDiagnosis: Other
Product: Exercise
Disposition: Treated and released or examined and released without treatment

Date: 10/09/2000Age: 79 yearsSex: MaleRace: White
Location: Not recordedFire: No fire involvement or fire involvement not recorded
Body part: FingerDiagnosis: Fracture
Product: Exercise
Disposition: Treated and released or examined and released without treatment

Date: 10/08/2000Age: 68 yearsSex: FemaleRace: Not stated in ER record
Location: Other public propertyFire: No fire involvement or fire involvement not recorded
Body part: Lower ArmDiagnosis: Fracture
Product: Exercise
Disposition: Treated and released or examined and released without treatment

Date: 10/07/2000Age: 52 yearsSex: FemaleRace: White
Location: Street or highwayFire: No fire involvement or fire involvement not recorded
Body part: ShoulderDiagnosis: Fracture
Product: Exercise
Disposition: Treated and released or examined and released without treatment

Date: 10/07/2000Age: 64 yearsSex: FemaleRace: White
Location: Not recordedFire: No fire involvement or fire involvement not recorded
Body part: FootDiagnosis: Other
Product: Exercise
Disposition: Treated and released or examined and released without treatment

Date: 10/05/2000Age: 60 yearsSex: MaleRace: White
Location: Place of recreation or sportsFire: No fire involvement or fire involvement not recorded
Body part: AnkleDiagnosis: Strain, Sprain
Product: Exercise
Disposition: Treated and released or examined and released without treatment

Date: 10/04/2000Age: 72 yearsSex: FemaleRace: White
Location: HomeFire: No fire involvement or fire involvement not recorded
Body part: KneeDiagnosis: Strain, Sprain
Product: Exercise
Disposition: Treated and released or examined and released without treatment

Date: 10/02/2000Age: 65 yearsSex: FemaleRace: White
Location: Place of recreation or sportsFire: No fire involvement or fire involvement not recorded
Body part: AnkleDiagnosis: Other
Product: Exercise
Disposition: Treated and released or examined and released without treatment

Date: 09/30/2000Age: 76 yearsSex: FemaleRace: White
Location: Not recordedFire: No fire involvement or fire involvement not recorded
Body part: Lower TrunkDiagnosis: Other
Product: Exercise
Disposition: Treated and released or examined and released without treatment

Date: 09/29/2000Age: 57 yearsSex: FemaleRace: White
Location: HomeFire: No fire involvement or fire involvement not recorded
Body part: FootDiagnosis: Strain, Sprain
Product: Exercise
Disposition: Treated and released or examined and released without treatment

Date: 09/28/2000Age: 74 yearsSex: FemaleRace: White
Location: Not recordedFire: No fire involvement or fire involvement not recorded
Body part: AnkleDiagnosis: Fracture
Product: Exercise
Disposition: Treated and admitted for hospitalization (within same facility)

Date: 09/27/2000Age: 57 yearsSex: FemaleRace: Black/African American
Location: Other public propertyFire: No fire involvement or fire involvement not recorded
Body part: ShoulderDiagnosis: Strain, Sprain
Product: Exercise
Disposition: Treated and released or examined and released without treatment

Date: 09/26/2000Age: 85 yearsSex: MaleRace: White
Location: Other public propertyFire: No fire involvement or fire involvement not recorded
Body part: Upper TrunkDiagnosis: Other
Product: Exercise
Disposition: Treated and admitted for hospitalization (within same facility)

Date: 09/25/2000Age: 68 yearsSex: MaleRace: White
Location: Other public propertyFire: No fire involvement or fire involvement not recorded
Body part: Lower TrunkDiagnosis: Strain, Sprain
Product: Exercise
Disposition: Treated and released or examined and released without treatment

Date: 09/23/2000Age: 81 yearsSex: MaleRace: White
Location: Not recordedFire: No fire involvement or fire involvement not recorded
Body part: Upper TrunkDiagnosis: Other
Product: Exercise
Disposition: Treated and admitted for hospitalization (within same facility)

Date: 09/22/2000Age: 66 yearsSex: MaleRace: Not stated in ER record
Location: Not recordedFire: No fire involvement or fire involvement not recorded
Body part: Lower TrunkDiagnosis: Strain, Sprain
Product: Exercise
Disposition: Treated and released or examined and released without treatment

Date: 09/21/2000Age: 56 yearsSex: FemaleRace: White
Location: HomeFire: No fire involvement or fire involvement not recorded
Body part: Upper TrunkDiagnosis: Other
Product: Exercise
Disposition: Treated and released or examined and released without treatment

Date: 09/18/2000Age: 62 yearsSex: MaleRace: White
Location: Place of recreation or sportsFire: No fire involvement or fire involvement not recorded
Body part: Lower ArmDiagnosis: Other
Product: Exercise
Disposition: Treated and released or examined and released without treatment

Date: 09/17/2000Age: 65 yearsSex: FemaleRace: White
Location: Place of recreation or sportsFire: No fire involvement or fire involvement not recorded
Body part: Lower LegDiagnosis: Laceration
Product: Exercise
Disposition: Treated and released or examined and released without treatment

Date: 09/09/2000Age: 79 yearsSex: MaleRace: White
Location: Street or highwayFire: No fire involvement or fire involvement not recorded
Body part: FaceDiagnosis: Laceration
Product: Exercise
Disposition: Treated and released or examined and released without treatment

Date: 09/04/2000Age: 52 yearsSex: FemaleRace: Not stated in ER record
Location: Place of recreation or sportsFire: No fire involvement or fire involvement not recorded
Body part: FootDiagnosis: Fracture
Product: Exercise
Disposition: Treated and released or examined and released without treatment

Date: 09/04/2000Age: 54 yearsSex: FemaleRace: White
Location: Not recordedFire: No fire involvement or fire involvement not recorded
Body part: WristDiagnosis: Fracture
Product: Exercise
Disposition: Treated and released or examined and released without treatment

Date: 09/04/2000Age: 53 yearsSex: FemaleRace: White
Location: Place of recreation or sportsFire: No fire involvement or fire involvement not recorded
Body part: Lower TrunkDiagnosis: Strain, Sprain
Product: Exercise
Disposition: Treated and released or examined and released without treatment

Date: 09/03/2000Age: 65 yearsSex: MaleRace: Other
Location: Place of recreation or sportsFire: No fire involvement or fire involvement not recorded
Body part: Lower TrunkDiagnosis: Strain, Sprain
Product: Exercise
Disposition: Treated and released or examined and released without treatment

Date: 09/02/2000Age: 64 yearsSex: FemaleRace: White
Location: HomeFire: No fire involvement or fire involvement not recorded
Body part: AnkleDiagnosis: Other
Product: Exercise
Disposition: Treated and released or examined and released without treatment

Date: 09/02/2000Age: 71 yearsSex: FemaleRace: White
Location: Place of recreation or sportsFire: No fire involvement or fire involvement not recorded
Body part: Lower LegDiagnosis: Fracture
Product: Exercise
Disposition: Treated and released or examined and released without treatment

Date: 09/01/2000Age: 75 yearsSex: FemaleRace: White
Location: Not recordedFire: No fire involvement or fire involvement not recorded
Body part: Lower LegDiagnosis: Other
Product: Exercise
Disposition: Treated and released or examined and released without treatment

Date: 08/27/2000Age: 77 yearsSex: MaleRace: Other
Location: Street or highwayFire: No fire involvement or fire involvement not recorded
Body part: All Of BodyDiagnosis: Other
Product: Exercise
Disposition: Treated and released or examined and released without treatment

Date: 08/27/2000Age: 70 yearsSex: FemaleRace: White
Location: Street or highwayFire: No fire involvement or fire involvement not recorded
Body part: WristDiagnosis: Fracture
Product: Exercise
Disposition: Treated and released or examined and released without treatment

Date: 08/25/2000Age: 79 yearsSex: FemaleRace: White
Location: HomeFire: No fire involvement or fire involvement not recorded
Body part: KneeDiagnosis: Fracture
Product: Exercise
Disposition: Treated and released or examined and released without treatment

Date: 08/24/2000Age: 55 yearsSex: MaleRace: White
Location: Not recordedFire: No fire involvement or fire involvement not recorded
Body part: Lower LegDiagnosis: Strain, Sprain
Product: Exercise
Disposition: Treated and released or examined and released without treatment

Date: 08/17/2000Age: 56 yearsSex: MaleRace: White
Location: Not recordedFire: No fire involvement or fire involvement not recorded
Body part: Lower TrunkDiagnosis: Strain, Sprain
Product: Exercise
Disposition: Treated and released or examined and released without treatment

Date: 08/16/2000Age: 66 yearsSex: FemaleRace: White
Location: Place of recreation or sportsFire: No fire involvement or fire involvement not recorded
Body part: All Of BodyDiagnosis: Other
Product: Exercise
Disposition: Treated and released or examined and released without treatment

Date: 08/16/2000Age: 63 yearsSex: FemaleRace: White
Location: Not recordedFire: No fire involvement or fire involvement not recorded
Body part: KneeDiagnosis: Other
Product: Exercise
Disposition: Treated and released or examined and released without treatment

Date: 08/14/2000Age: 56 yearsSex: MaleRace: White
Location: HomeFire: No fire involvement or fire involvement not recorded
Body part: Upper TrunkDiagnosis: Strain, Sprain
Product: Exercise
Disposition: Treated and released or examined and released without treatment

Date: 08/14/2000Age: 52 yearsSex: FemaleRace: Not stated in ER record
Location: Not recordedFire: No fire involvement or fire involvement not recorded
Body part: FaceDiagnosis: Laceration
Product: Exercise
Disposition: Treated and released or examined and released without treatment

Date: 08/13/2000Age: 51 yearsSex: FemaleRace: White
Location: Not recordedFire: No fire involvement or fire involvement not recorded
Body part: ElbowDiagnosis: Fracture
Product: Exercise
Disposition: Treated and released or examined and released without treatment

Date: 08/12/2000Age: 76 yearsSex: FemaleRace: White
Location: Not recordedFire: No fire involvement or fire involvement not recorded
Body part: FaceDiagnosis: Contusion Or Abrasion
Product: Exercise
Disposition: Treated and released or examined and released without treatment

Date: 08/12/2000Age: 51 yearsSex: MaleRace: White
Location: Not recordedFire: No fire involvement or fire involvement not recorded
Body part: Lower LegDiagnosis: Other
Product: Exercise
Disposition: Treated and released or examined and released without treatment

Date: 08/11/2000Age: 64 yearsSex: FemaleRace: White
Location: HomeFire: No fire involvement or fire involvement not recorded
Body part: WristDiagnosis: Fracture
Product: Exercise
Disposition: Treated and released or examined and released without treatment

Date: 08/10/2000Age: 59 yearsSex: MaleRace: Other
Location: Not recordedFire: No fire involvement or fire involvement not recorded
Body part: Lower TrunkDiagnosis: Strain, Sprain
Product: Exercise
Disposition: Treated and released or examined and released without treatment

Date: 08/09/2000Age: 81 yearsSex: MaleRace: White
Location: Not recordedFire: No fire involvement or fire involvement not recorded
Body part: Upper TrunkDiagnosis: Other
Product: Exercise
Disposition: Treated and released or examined and released without treatment

Date: 08/06/2000Age: 53 yearsSex: MaleRace: Not stated in ER record
Location: Street or highwayFire: No fire involvement or fire involvement not recorded
Body part: 25 - 50% BodyDiagnosis: Contusion Or Abrasion
Product: Exercise
Disposition: Treated and released or examined and released without treatment

Date: 08/05/2000Age: 54 yearsSex: MaleRace: White
Location: Street or highwayFire: No fire involvement or fire involvement not recorded
Body part: Upper TrunkDiagnosis: Fracture
Product: Exercise
Disposition: Treated and admitted for hospitalization (within same facility)

Date: 08/05/2000Age: 62 yearsSex: MaleRace: White
Location: Place of recreation or sportsFire: No fire involvement or fire involvement not recorded
Body part: AnkleDiagnosis: Strain, Sprain
Product: Exercise
Disposition: Treated and released or examined and released without treatment

Date: 08/04/2000Age: 80 yearsSex: FemaleRace: White
Location: HomeFire: No fire involvement or fire involvement not recorded
Body part: Lower TrunkDiagnosis: Strain, Sprain
Product: Exercise
Disposition: Treated and released or examined and released without treatment

Date: 08/03/2000Age: 74 yearsSex: MaleRace: White
Location: Place of recreation or sportsFire: No fire involvement or fire involvement not recorded
Body part: Upper TrunkDiagnosis: Other
Product: Exercise
Disposition: Treated and admitted for hospitalization (within same facility)

Date: 08/03/2000Age: 63 yearsSex: MaleRace: White
Location: Not recordedFire: No fire involvement or fire involvement not recorded
Body part: Lower TrunkDiagnosis: Strain, Sprain
Product: Exercise, Exercise equipment
Disposition: Treated and released or examined and released without treatment

Date: 08/02/2000Age: 79 yearsSex: MaleRace: Not stated in ER record
Location: Not recordedFire: No fire involvement or fire involvement not recorded
Body part: Lower TrunkDiagnosis: Fracture
Product: Exercise
Disposition: Treated and admitted for hospitalization (within same facility)

Date: 07/30/2000Age: 64 yearsSex: FemaleRace: Black/African American
Location: HomeFire: No fire involvement or fire involvement not recorded
Body part: ToeDiagnosis: Fracture
Product: Exercise
Disposition: Treated and released or examined and released without treatment

Date: 07/30/2000Age: 61 yearsSex: FemaleRace: Not stated in ER record
Location: Not recordedFire: No fire involvement or fire involvement not recorded
Body part: Lower ArmDiagnosis: Fracture
Product: Exercise
Disposition: Treated and released or examined and released without treatment

Date: 07/29/2000Age: 55 yearsSex: FemaleRace: White
Location: Not recordedFire: No fire involvement or fire involvement not recorded
Body part: WristDiagnosis: Strain, Sprain
Product: Exercise
Disposition: Treated and released or examined and released without treatment

Date: 07/29/2000Age: 55 yearsSex: FemaleRace: Black/African American
Location: Not recordedFire: No fire involvement or fire involvement not recorded
Body part: AnkleDiagnosis: Strain, Sprain
Product: Exercise
Disposition: Treated and released or examined and released without treatment

Date: 07/28/2000Age: 52 yearsSex: FemaleRace: White
Location: Not recordedFire: No fire involvement or fire involvement not recorded
Body part: FootDiagnosis: Fracture
Product: Exercise
Disposition: Treated and released or examined and released without treatment

Date: 07/26/2000Age: 58 yearsSex: MaleRace: White
Location: Place of recreation or sportsFire: No fire involvement or fire involvement not recorded
Body part: Upper LegDiagnosis: Hematoma
Product: Exercise
Disposition: Treated and released or examined and released without treatment

Date: 07/25/2000Age: 74 yearsSex: FemaleRace: Other
Location: Not recordedFire: No fire involvement or fire involvement not recorded
Body part: Lower LegDiagnosis: Contusion Or Abrasion
Product: Exercise
Disposition: Treated and released or examined and released without treatment

Date: 07/25/2000Age: 82 yearsSex: FemaleRace: White
Location: Place of recreation or sportsFire: No fire involvement or fire involvement not recorded
Body part: Upper TrunkDiagnosis: Other
Product: Exercise
Disposition: Treated and admitted for hospitalization (within same facility)

Date: 07/25/2000Age: 58 yearsSex: FemaleRace: White
Location: HomeFire: No fire involvement or fire involvement not recorded
Body part: ShoulderDiagnosis: Fracture
Product: Exercise
Disposition: Treated and released or examined and released without treatment

Date: 07/25/2000Age: 65 yearsSex: FemaleRace: White
Location: Other public propertyFire: No fire involvement or fire involvement not recorded
Body part: KneeDiagnosis: Other
Product: Exercise
Disposition: Treated and released or examined and released without treatment

Date: 07/24/2000Age: 66 yearsSex: FemaleRace: White
Location: Not recordedFire: No fire involvement or fire involvement not recorded
Body part: Lower TrunkDiagnosis: Other
Product: Exercise
Disposition: Treated and released or examined and released without treatment

Date: 07/24/2000Age: 69 yearsSex: MaleRace: White
Location: Not recordedFire: No fire involvement or fire involvement not recorded
Body part: KneeDiagnosis: Strain, Sprain
Product: Exercise
Disposition: Treated and released or examined and released without treatment

Date: 07/22/2000Age: 52 yearsSex: FemaleRace: White
Location: Place of recreation or sportsFire: No fire involvement or fire involvement not recorded
Body part: Lower LegDiagnosis: Fracture
Product: Exercise
Disposition: Treated and released or examined and released without treatment

Date: 07/22/2000Age: 70 yearsSex: FemaleRace: White
Location: Not recordedFire: No fire involvement or fire involvement not recorded
Body part: Lower LegDiagnosis: Strain, Sprain
Product: Exercise
Disposition: Treated and released or examined and released without treatment

Date: 07/21/2000Age: 61 yearsSex: FemaleRace: White
Location: Place of recreation or sportsFire: No fire involvement or fire involvement not recorded
Body part: Lower LegDiagnosis: Laceration
Product: Exercise
Disposition: Treated and released or examined and released without treatment

Date: 07/20/2000Age: 54 yearsSex: FemaleRace: Other
Location: Not recordedFire: No fire involvement or fire involvement not recorded
Body part: Lower LegDiagnosis: Strain, Sprain
Product: Exercise
Disposition: Treated and released or examined and released without treatment

Date: 07/19/2000Age: 54 yearsSex: FemaleRace: White
Location: HomeFire: No fire involvement or fire involvement not recorded
Body part: AnkleDiagnosis: Strain, Sprain
Product: Exercise
Disposition: Treated and released or examined and released without treatment

Date: 07/17/2000Age: 67 yearsSex: FemaleRace: White
Location: HomeFire: No fire involvement or fire involvement not recorded
Body part: ShoulderDiagnosis: Dislocation
Product: Exercise
Disposition: Treated and released or examined and released without treatment

Date: 07/17/2000Age: 64 yearsSex: MaleRace: White
Location: Not recordedFire: No fire involvement or fire involvement not recorded
Body part: Lower TrunkDiagnosis: Other
Product: Exercise
Disposition: Treated and released or examined and released without treatment

Date: 07/17/2000Age: 57 yearsSex: FemaleRace: White
Location: Place of recreation or sportsFire: No fire involvement or fire involvement not recorded
Body part: Lower ArmDiagnosis: Fracture
Product: Exercise
Disposition: Treated and released or examined and released without treatment

Date: 07/16/2000Age: 51 yearsSex: FemaleRace: White
Location: Not recordedFire: No fire involvement or fire involvement not recorded
Body part: FootDiagnosis: Strain, Sprain
Product: Exercise
Disposition: Treated and released or examined and released without treatment

Date: 07/13/2000Age: 62 yearsSex: MaleRace: White
Location: Place of recreation or sportsFire: No fire involvement or fire involvement not recorded
Body part: All Of BodyDiagnosis: Other
Product: Exercise
Disposition: Treated and admitted for hospitalization (within same facility)

Date: 07/11/2000Age: 65 yearsSex: FemaleRace: White
Location: Place of recreation or sportsFire: No fire involvement or fire involvement not recorded
Body part: Lower LegDiagnosis: Contusion Or Abrasion
Product: Exercise
Disposition: Treated and released or examined and released without treatment

Date: 07/10/2000Age: 59 yearsSex: FemaleRace: White
Location: Not recordedFire: No fire involvement or fire involvement not recorded
Body part: Lower TrunkDiagnosis: Fracture
Product: Exercise
Disposition: Treated and released or examined and released without treatment

Date: 07/07/2000Age: 58 yearsSex: MaleRace: Not stated in ER record
Location: Not recordedFire: No fire involvement or fire involvement not recorded
Body part: Upper LegDiagnosis: Strain, Sprain
Product: Exercise
Disposition: Treated and released or examined and released without treatment

Date: 07/06/2000Age: 52 yearsSex: MaleRace: White
Location: Not recordedFire: No fire involvement or fire involvement not recorded
Body part: ToeDiagnosis: Contusion Or Abrasion
Product: Exercise
Disposition: Treated and released or examined and released without treatment

Date: 07/06/2000Age: 52 yearsSex: FemaleRace: White
Location: Street or highwayFire: No fire involvement or fire involvement not recorded
Body part: FootDiagnosis: Strain, Sprain
Product: Exercise
Disposition: Treated and released or examined and released without treatment

Date: 07/05/2000Age: 63 yearsSex: FemaleRace: Black/African American
Location: Not recordedFire: No fire involvement or fire involvement not recorded
Body part: FootDiagnosis: Strain, Sprain
Product: Exercise
Disposition: Treated and released or examined and released without treatment

Date: 07/04/2000Age: 70 yearsSex: FemaleRace: White
Location: Place of recreation or sportsFire: No fire involvement or fire involvement not recorded
Body part: FootDiagnosis: Fracture
Product: Exercise
Disposition: Treated and released or examined and released without treatment

Date: 07/03/2000Age: 56 yearsSex: MaleRace: White
Location: HomeFire: No fire involvement or fire involvement not recorded
Body part: FootDiagnosis: Contusion Or Abrasion
Product: Exercise
Disposition: Treated and released or examined and released without treatment

Date: 06/28/2000Age: 82 yearsSex: FemaleRace: White
Location: Not recordedFire: No fire involvement or fire involvement not recorded
Body part: HeadDiagnosis: Other
Product: Exercise
Disposition: Treated and released or examined and released without treatment

Date: 06/28/2000Age: 59 yearsSex: MaleRace: Not stated in ER record
Location: Not recordedFire: No fire involvement or fire involvement not recorded
Body part: FootDiagnosis: Other
Product: Exercise
Disposition: Treated and released or examined and released without treatment

Date: 06/28/2000Age: 53 yearsSex: MaleRace: White
Location: Not recordedFire: No fire involvement or fire involvement not recorded
Body part: Upper TrunkDiagnosis: Contusion Or Abrasion
Product: Exercise
Disposition: Treated and released or examined and released without treatment

Date: 06/27/2000Age: 58 yearsSex: MaleRace: Other
Location: Street or highwayFire: No fire involvement or fire involvement not recorded
Body part: FootDiagnosis: Strain, Sprain
Product: Exercise
Disposition: Treated and released or examined and released without treatment

Date: 06/27/2000Age: 57 yearsSex: FemaleRace: White
Location: Not recordedFire: No fire involvement or fire involvement not recorded
Body part: KneeDiagnosis: Other
Product: Exercise
Disposition: Treated and released or examined and released without treatment

Date: 06/27/2000Age: 68 yearsSex: FemaleRace: White
Location: Place of recreation or sportsFire: No fire involvement or fire involvement not recorded
Body part: Lower TrunkDiagnosis: Other
Product: Exercise
Disposition: Treated and released or examined and released without treatment

Date: 06/26/2000Age: 60 yearsSex: FemaleRace: White
Location: Other public propertyFire: No fire involvement or fire involvement not recorded
Body part: AnkleDiagnosis: Strain, Sprain
Product: Exercise
Disposition: Treated and released or examined and released without treatment

Date: 06/26/2000Age: 54 yearsSex: FemaleRace: White
Location: Other public propertyFire: No fire involvement or fire involvement not recorded
Body part: AnkleDiagnosis: Strain, Sprain
Product: Exercise
Disposition: Treated and released or examined and released without treatment

Date: 06/25/2000Age: 66 yearsSex: FemaleRace: Other
Location: Street or highwayFire: No fire involvement or fire involvement not recorded
Body part: AnkleDiagnosis: Strain, Sprain
Product: Exercise
Disposition: Treated and released or examined and released without treatment

Date: 06/23/2000Age: 52 yearsSex: FemaleRace: Not stated in ER record
Location: Place of recreation or sportsFire: No fire involvement or fire involvement not recorded
Body part: All Of BodyDiagnosis: Other
Product: Exercise
Disposition: Treated and released or examined and released without treatment

Date: 06/22/2000Age: 52 yearsSex: MaleRace: White
Location: Other public propertyFire: No fire involvement or fire involvement not recorded
Body part: NeckDiagnosis: Strain, Sprain
Product: Exercise
Disposition: Treated and released or examined and released without treatment

Date: 06/19/2000Age: 68 yearsSex: MaleRace: White
Location: HomeFire: No fire involvement or fire involvement not recorded
Body part: All Of BodyDiagnosis: Other
Product: Exercise
Disposition: Treated and admitted for hospitalization (within same facility)

Date: 06/18/2000Age: 85 yearsSex: FemaleRace: Other
Location: Not recordedFire: No fire involvement or fire involvement not recorded
Body part: Upper LegDiagnosis: Strain, Sprain
Product: Exercise
Disposition: Treated and released or examined and released without treatment

Date: 06/17/2000Age: 65 yearsSex: FemaleRace: White
Location: Not recordedFire: No fire involvement or fire involvement not recorded
Body part: AnkleDiagnosis: Strain, Sprain
Product: Exercise
Disposition: Treated and released or examined and released without treatment

Date: 06/16/2000Age: 63 yearsSex: MaleRace: Not stated in ER record
Location: Not recordedFire: No fire involvement or fire involvement not recorded
Body part: FootDiagnosis: Other
Product: Exercise
Disposition: Treated and released or examined and released without treatment

Date: 06/15/2000Age: 64 yearsSex: FemaleRace: Black/African American
Location: Not recordedFire: No fire involvement or fire involvement not recorded
Body part: FaceDiagnosis: Contusion Or Abrasion
Product: Exercise
Disposition: Treated and released or examined and released without treatment

Date: 06/13/2000Age: 58 yearsSex: MaleRace: White
Location: Not recordedFire: No fire involvement or fire involvement not recorded
Body part: ElbowDiagnosis: Fracture
Product: Exercise
Disposition: Treated and released or examined and released without treatment

Date: 06/12/2000Age: 58 yearsSex: FemaleRace: White
Location: HomeFire: No fire involvement or fire involvement not recorded
Body part: Upper TrunkDiagnosis: Strain, Sprain
Product: Exercise
Disposition: Treated and released or examined and released without treatment

Date: 06/10/2000Age: 54 yearsSex: FemaleRace: White
Location: Not recordedFire: No fire involvement or fire involvement not recorded
Body part: All Of BodyDiagnosis: Poisoning
Product: Exercise
Disposition: Treated and released or examined and released without treatment

Date: 06/10/2000Age: 55 yearsSex: FemaleRace: White
Location: HomeFire: No fire involvement or fire involvement not recorded
Body part: Lower LegDiagnosis: Strain, Sprain
Product: Exercise
Disposition: Treated and released or examined and released without treatment

Date: 06/09/2000Age: 54 yearsSex: FemaleRace: White
Location: Not recordedFire: No fire involvement or fire involvement not recorded
Body part: KneeDiagnosis: Fracture
Product: Exercise
Disposition: Treated and admitted for hospitalization (within same facility)

Date: 06/09/2000Age: 91 yearsSex: MaleRace: White
Location: Other public propertyFire: No fire involvement or fire involvement not recorded
Body part: Upper TrunkDiagnosis: Other
Product: Exercise
Disposition: Treated and released or examined and released without treatment

Date: 06/08/2000Age: 54 yearsSex: FemaleRace: White
Location: Not recordedFire: No fire involvement or fire involvement not recorded
Body part: ToeDiagnosis: Fracture
Product: Exercise
Disposition: Treated and released or examined and released without treatment

Date: 06/08/2000Age: 57 yearsSex: FemaleRace: White
Location: Other public propertyFire: No fire involvement or fire involvement not recorded
Body part: FootDiagnosis: Strain, Sprain
Product: Exercise
Disposition: Treated and released or examined and released without treatment

Date: 06/05/2000Age: 54 yearsSex: MaleRace: Not stated in ER record
Location: Not recordedFire: No fire involvement or fire involvement not recorded
Body part: AnkleDiagnosis: Strain, Sprain
Product: Exercise
Disposition: Treated and released or examined and released without treatment

Date: 06/03/2000Age: 51 yearsSex: FemaleRace: Not stated in ER record
Location: Street or highwayFire: No fire involvement or fire involvement not recorded
Body part: Lower TrunkDiagnosis: Strain, Sprain
Product: Exercise
Disposition: Treated and released or examined and released without treatment

Date: 06/03/2000Age: 81 yearsSex: FemaleRace: White
Location: Not recordedFire: No fire involvement or fire involvement not recorded
Body part: Lower TrunkDiagnosis: Fracture
Product: Exercise
Disposition: Treated and admitted for hospitalization (within same facility)

Date: 06/01/2000Age: 79 yearsSex: FemaleRace: White
Location: Not recordedFire: No fire involvement or fire involvement not recorded
Body part: All Of BodyDiagnosis: Other
Product: Exercise
Disposition: Treated and released or examined and released without treatment

Date: 05/30/2000Age: 52 yearsSex: MaleRace: Not stated in ER record
Location: Not recordedFire: No fire involvement or fire involvement not recorded
Body part: Upper TrunkDiagnosis: Strain, Sprain
Product: Exercise
Disposition: Treated and released or examined and released without treatment

Date: 05/27/2000Age: 60 yearsSex: MaleRace: White
Location: Place of recreation or sportsFire: No fire involvement or fire involvement not recorded
Body part: FaceDiagnosis: Laceration
Product: Exercise
Disposition: Treated and released or examined and released without treatment

Date: 05/25/2000Age: 65 yearsSex: MaleRace: White
Location: Street or highwayFire: No fire involvement or fire involvement not recorded
Body part: Upper LegDiagnosis: Puncture
Product: Exercise
Disposition: Treated and released or examined and released without treatment

Date: 05/25/2000Age: 75 yearsSex: FemaleRace: White
Location: Not recordedFire: No fire involvement or fire involvement not recorded
Body part: Upper TrunkDiagnosis: Other
Product: Exercise, Swimming pools
Disposition: Treated and admitted for hospitalization (within same facility)

Date: 05/24/2000Age: 83 yearsSex: FemaleRace: White
Location: Not recordedFire: No fire involvement or fire involvement not recorded
Body part: Lower ArmDiagnosis: Fracture
Product: Exercise
Disposition: Treated and released or examined and released without treatment

Date: 05/22/2000Age: 52 yearsSex: FemaleRace: Not stated in ER record
Location: Not recordedFire: No fire involvement or fire involvement not recorded
Body part: AnkleDiagnosis: Strain, Sprain
Product: Exercise
Disposition: Treated and released or examined and released without treatment

Date: 05/22/2000Age: 86 yearsSex: FemaleRace: Not stated in ER record
Location: Not recordedFire: No fire involvement or fire involvement not recorded
Body part: HeadDiagnosis: Inter Organ Injury
Product: Exercise
Disposition: Treated and released or examined and released without treatment

Date: 05/22/2000Age: 63 yearsSex: FemaleRace: White
Location: Place of recreation or sportsFire: No fire involvement or fire involvement not recorded
Body part: Lower TrunkDiagnosis: Fracture
Product: Exercise
Disposition: Treated and admitted for hospitalization (within same facility)

Date: 05/21/2000Age: 89 yearsSex: FemaleRace: Other
Location: Street or highwayFire: No fire involvement or fire involvement not recorded
Body part: Upper TrunkDiagnosis: Other
Product: Exercise
Disposition: Treated and released or examined and released without treatment

Date: 05/21/2000Age: 86 yearsSex: FemaleRace: White
Location: Not recordedFire: No fire involvement or fire involvement not recorded
Body part: Lower TrunkDiagnosis: Strain, Sprain
Product: Exercise
Disposition: Treated and released or examined and released without treatment

Date: 05/21/2000Age: 59 yearsSex: MaleRace: Other
Location: Not recordedFire: No fire involvement or fire involvement not recorded
Body part: Lower LegDiagnosis: Fracture
Product: Exercise
Disposition: Treated and admitted for hospitalization (within same facility)

Date: 05/20/2000Age: 54 yearsSex: FemaleRace: White
Location: Place of recreation or sportsFire: No fire involvement or fire involvement not recorded
Body part: NeckDiagnosis: Strain, Sprain
Product: Exercise, Built-in swimming pools
Disposition: Treated and released or examined and released without treatment

Date: 05/20/2000Age: 63 yearsSex: FemaleRace: White
Location: Other public propertyFire: No fire involvement or fire involvement not recorded
Body part: AnkleDiagnosis: Fracture
Product: Exercise
Disposition: Treated and released or examined and released without treatment

Date: 05/19/2000Age: 59 yearsSex: FemaleRace: White
Location: Place of recreation or sportsFire: No fire involvement or fire involvement not recorded
Body part: AnkleDiagnosis: Fracture
Product: Exercise
Disposition: Treated and admitted for hospitalization (within same facility)

Date: 05/19/2000Age: 68 yearsSex: MaleRace: White
Location: Not recordedFire: No fire involvement or fire involvement not recorded
Body part: Lower LegDiagnosis: Fracture
Product: Exercise
Disposition: Treated and released or examined and released without treatment

Date: 05/18/2000Age: 72 yearsSex: MaleRace: Black/African American
Location: Not recordedFire: No fire involvement or fire involvement not recorded
Body part: HandDiagnosis: Fracture
Product: Exercise
Disposition: Treated and released or examined and released without treatment

Date: 05/16/2000Age: 52 yearsSex: MaleRace: Black/African American
Location: Not recordedFire: No fire involvement or fire involvement not recorded
Body part: Upper TrunkDiagnosis: Other
Product: Exercise
Disposition: Treated and admitted for hospitalization (within same facility)

Date: 05/14/2000Age: 72 yearsSex: MaleRace: White
Location: Not recordedFire: No fire involvement or fire involvement not recorded
Body part: FaceDiagnosis: Not Stated Or Unknown
Product: Exercise
Disposition: Not recorded

Date: 05/14/2000Age: 56 yearsSex: MaleRace: White
Location: Not recordedFire: No fire involvement or fire involvement not recorded
Body part: Upper TrunkDiagnosis: Other
Product: Exercise
Disposition: Treated and released or examined and released without treatment

Date: 05/13/2000Age: 71 yearsSex: FemaleRace: Not stated in ER record
Location: Other public propertyFire: No fire involvement or fire involvement not recorded
Body part: KneeDiagnosis: Fracture
Product: Exercise
Disposition: Treated and released or examined and released without treatment

Date: 05/13/2000Age: 53 yearsSex: MaleRace: White
Location: Not recordedFire: No fire involvement or fire involvement not recorded
Body part: AnkleDiagnosis: Strain, Sprain
Product: Exercise
Disposition: Treated and released or examined and released without treatment

Date: 05/10/2000Age: 58 yearsSex: MaleRace: White
Location: Not recordedFire: No fire involvement or fire involvement not recorded
Body part: WristDiagnosis: Strain, Sprain
Product: Exercise
Disposition: Treated and released or examined and released without treatment

Date: 05/10/2000Age: 55 yearsSex: MaleRace: White
Location: Not recordedFire: No fire involvement or fire involvement not recorded
Body part: FootDiagnosis: Fracture
Product: Exercise
Disposition: Treated and released or examined and released without treatment

Date: 05/07/2000Age: 54 yearsSex: MaleRace: White
Location: Not recordedFire: No fire involvement or fire involvement not recorded
Body part: All Of BodyDiagnosis: Other
Product: Exercise
Disposition: Treated and released or examined and released without treatment

Date: 05/07/2000Age: 54 yearsSex: FemaleRace: White
Location: Not recordedFire: No fire involvement or fire involvement not recorded
Body part: Upper TrunkDiagnosis: Other
Product: Exercise
Disposition: Treated and released or examined and released without treatment

Date: 05/06/2000Age: 59 yearsSex: FemaleRace: White
Location: Not recordedFire: No fire involvement or fire involvement not recorded
Body part: All Of BodyDiagnosis: Other
Product: Exercise
Disposition: Treated and released or examined and released without treatment

Date: 05/03/2000Age: 72 yearsSex: MaleRace: White
Location: Not recordedFire: No fire involvement or fire involvement not recorded
Body part: Upper LegDiagnosis: Fracture
Product: Exercise
Disposition: Treated and transferred to another hospital

Date: 05/03/2000Age: 62 yearsSex: FemaleRace: White
Location: Not recordedFire: No fire involvement or fire involvement not recorded
Body part: Lower TrunkDiagnosis: Fracture
Product: Exercise
Disposition: Treated and admitted for hospitalization (within same facility)

Date: 05/03/2000Age: 72 yearsSex: FemaleRace: White
Location: Other public propertyFire: No fire involvement or fire involvement not recorded
Body part: KneeDiagnosis: Strain, Sprain
Product: Exercise
Disposition: Treated and released or examined and released without treatment

Date: 04/30/2000Age: 58 yearsSex: FemaleRace: White
Location: Not recordedFire: No fire involvement or fire involvement not recorded
Body part: FootDiagnosis: Fracture
Product: Exercise
Disposition: Treated and released or examined and released without treatment

Date: 04/30/2000Age: 58 yearsSex: FemaleRace: Not stated in ER record
Location: Not recordedFire: No fire involvement or fire involvement not recorded
Body part: KneeDiagnosis: Strain, Sprain
Product: Exercise
Disposition: Treated and released or examined and released without treatment

Date: 04/29/2000Age: 69 yearsSex: MaleRace: White
Location: Not recordedFire: No fire involvement or fire involvement not recorded
Body part: Lower TrunkDiagnosis: Dislocation
Product: Exercise
Disposition: Treated and released or examined and released without treatment

Date: 04/29/2000Age: 59 yearsSex: MaleRace: Not stated in ER record
Location: Not recordedFire: No fire involvement or fire involvement not recorded
Body part: ShoulderDiagnosis: Strain, Sprain
Product: Exercise
Disposition: Treated and released or examined and released without treatment

Date: 04/27/2000Age: 62 yearsSex: MaleRace: Black/African American
Location: Not recordedFire: No fire involvement or fire involvement not recorded
Body part: AnkleDiagnosis: Strain, Sprain
Product: Exercise
Disposition: Treated and released or examined and released without treatment

Date: 04/24/2000Age: 88 yearsSex: MaleRace: White
Location: HomeFire: No fire involvement or fire involvement not recorded
Body part: FaceDiagnosis: Contusion Or Abrasion
Product: Exercise, Chairs
Disposition: Treated and released or examined and released without treatment

Date: 04/22/2000Age: 64 yearsSex: MaleRace: Not stated in ER record
Location: Not recordedFire: No fire involvement or fire involvement not recorded
Body part: All Of BodyDiagnosis: Contusion Or Abrasion
Product: Exercise
Disposition: Treated and released or examined and released without treatment

Date: 04/22/2000Age: 64 yearsSex: FemaleRace: Not stated in ER record
Location: Street or highwayFire: No fire involvement or fire involvement not recorded
Body part: Upper ArmDiagnosis: Fracture
Product: Exercise
Disposition: Treated and released or examined and released without treatment

Date: 04/21/2000Age: 73 yearsSex: FemaleRace: White
Location: Not recordedFire: No fire involvement or fire involvement not recorded
Body part: FaceDiagnosis: Laceration
Product: Exercise
Disposition: Treated and released or examined and released without treatment

Date: 04/21/2000Age: 60 yearsSex: MaleRace: White
Location: Not recordedFire: No fire involvement or fire involvement not recorded
Body part: Lower TrunkDiagnosis: Other
Product: Exercise
Disposition: Treated and released or examined and released without treatment

Date: 04/21/2000Age: 52 yearsSex: FemaleRace: Not stated in ER record
Location: Place of recreation or sportsFire: No fire involvement or fire involvement not recorded
Body part: KneeDiagnosis: Other
Product: Exercise
Disposition: Treated and released or examined and released without treatment

Date: 04/20/2000Age: 73 yearsSex: FemaleRace: Not stated in ER record
Location: Place of recreation or sportsFire: No fire involvement or fire involvement not recorded
Body part: Lower TrunkDiagnosis: Other
Product: Exercise
Disposition: Treated and released or examined and released without treatment

Date: 04/18/2000Age: 51 yearsSex: MaleRace: Black/African American
Location: Not recordedFire: No fire involvement or fire involvement not recorded
Body part: KneeDiagnosis: Contusion Or Abrasion
Product: Exercise
Disposition: Treated and released or examined and released without treatment

Date: 04/18/2000Age: 71 yearsSex: FemaleRace: Not stated in ER record
Location: Other public propertyFire: No fire involvement or fire involvement not recorded
Body part: Upper TrunkDiagnosis: Strain, Sprain
Product: Exercise
Disposition: Treated and released or examined and released without treatment

Date: 04/16/2000Age: 56 yearsSex: FemaleRace: White
Location: HomeFire: No fire involvement or fire involvement not recorded
Body part: Lower TrunkDiagnosis: Other
Product: Exercise
Disposition: Treated and released or examined and released without treatment

Date: 04/16/2000Age: 54 yearsSex: FemaleRace: White
Location: Not recordedFire: No fire involvement or fire involvement not recorded
Body part: KneeDiagnosis: Contusion Or Abrasion
Product: Exercise, Footwear
Disposition: Treated and released or examined and released without treatment

Date: 04/16/2000Age: 70 yearsSex: FemaleRace: White
Location: Not recordedFire: No fire involvement or fire involvement not recorded
Body part: HeadDiagnosis: Inter Organ Injury
Product: Exercise
Disposition: Treated and released or examined and released without treatment

Date: 04/11/2000Age: 68 yearsSex: FemaleRace: Not stated in ER record
Location: Other public propertyFire: No fire involvement or fire involvement not recorded
Body part: Upper ArmDiagnosis: Fracture
Product: Exercise
Disposition: Treated and released or examined and released without treatment

Date: 04/08/2000Age: 64 yearsSex: FemaleRace: White
Location: Street or highwayFire: No fire involvement or fire involvement not recorded
Body part: ShoulderDiagnosis: Fracture
Product: Exercise
Disposition: Treated and released or examined and released without treatment

Date: 04/07/2000Age: 63 yearsSex: MaleRace: White
Location: Street or highwayFire: No fire involvement or fire involvement not recorded
Body part: All Of BodyDiagnosis: Other
Product: Exercise
Disposition: Treated and transferred to another hospital

Date: 04/06/2000Age: 73 yearsSex: MaleRace: White
Location: Street or highwayFire: No fire involvement or fire involvement not recorded
Body part: Upper TrunkDiagnosis: Contusion Or Abrasion
Product: Exercise
Disposition: Treated and released or examined and released without treatment

Date: 04/04/2000Age: 56 yearsSex: FemaleRace: White
Location: HomeFire: No fire involvement or fire involvement not recorded
Body part: Lower TrunkDiagnosis: Strain, Sprain
Product: Exercise
Disposition: Treated and released or examined and released without treatment

Date: 04/03/2000Age: 78 yearsSex: MaleRace: Other
Location: Not recordedFire: No fire involvement or fire involvement not recorded
Body part: FaceDiagnosis: Fracture
Product: Exercise
Disposition: Treated and admitted for hospitalization (within same facility)

Date: 03/30/2000Age: 77 yearsSex: FemaleRace: White
Location: Not recordedFire: No fire involvement or fire involvement not recorded
Body part: FaceDiagnosis: Contusion Or Abrasion
Product: Exercise
Disposition: Treated and released or examined and released without treatment

Date: 03/28/2000Age: 51 yearsSex: FemaleRace: White
Location: Place of recreation or sportsFire: No fire involvement or fire involvement not recorded
Body part: Lower LegDiagnosis: Laceration
Product: Exercise
Disposition: Treated and released or examined and released without treatment

Date: 03/27/2000Age: 54 yearsSex: MaleRace: White
Location: Not recordedFire: No fire involvement or fire involvement not recorded
Body part: Lower TrunkDiagnosis: Dislocation
Product: Exercise
Disposition: Treated and admitted for hospitalization (within same facility)

Date: 03/25/2000Age: 69 yearsSex: MaleRace: White
Location: HomeFire: No fire involvement or fire involvement not recorded
Body part: Lower TrunkDiagnosis: Fracture
Product: Exercise
Disposition: Treated and admitted for hospitalization (within same facility)

Date: 03/24/2000Age: 73 yearsSex: MaleRace: White
Location: Street or highwayFire: No fire involvement or fire involvement not recorded
Body part: Lower ArmDiagnosis: Fracture
Product: Exercise
Disposition: Treated and released or examined and released without treatment

Date: 03/24/2000Age: 53 yearsSex: MaleRace: White
Location: Street or highwayFire: No fire involvement or fire involvement not recorded
Body part: FootDiagnosis: Fracture
Product: Exercise
Disposition: Treated and released or examined and released without treatment

Date: 03/23/2000Age: 53 yearsSex: FemaleRace: White
Location: Street or highwayFire: No fire involvement or fire involvement not recorded
Body part: AnkleDiagnosis: Strain, Sprain
Product: Exercise
Disposition: Treated and released or examined and released without treatment

Date: 03/21/2000Age: 52 yearsSex: FemaleRace: Not stated in ER record
Location: Street or highwayFire: No fire involvement or fire involvement not recorded
Body part: FaceDiagnosis: Laceration
Product: Exercise
Disposition: Treated and released or examined and released without treatment

Date: 03/20/2000Age: 76 yearsSex: FemaleRace: Not stated in ER record
Location: Place of recreation or sportsFire: No fire involvement or fire involvement not recorded
Body part: Upper TrunkDiagnosis: Fracture
Product: Exercise
Disposition: Treated and released or examined and released without treatment

Date: 03/19/2000Age: 81 yearsSex: FemaleRace: White
Location: Other public propertyFire: No fire involvement or fire involvement not recorded
Body part: Lower TrunkDiagnosis: Fracture
Product: Exercise
Disposition: Treated and admitted for hospitalization (within same facility)

Date: 03/19/2000Age: 70 yearsSex: MaleRace: Other
Location: Place of recreation or sportsFire: No fire involvement or fire involvement not recorded
Body part: AnkleDiagnosis: Strain, Sprain
Product: Exercise
Disposition: Treated and released or examined and released without treatment

Date: 03/19/2000Age: 56 yearsSex: FemaleRace: Not stated in ER record
Location: Not recordedFire: No fire involvement or fire involvement not recorded
Body part: AnkleDiagnosis: Strain, Sprain
Product: Exercise
Disposition: Treated and released or examined and released without treatment

Date: 03/19/2000Age: 57 yearsSex: MaleRace: White
Location: Place of recreation or sportsFire: No fire involvement or fire involvement not recorded
Body part: KneeDiagnosis: Avulsion
Product: Exercise
Disposition: Treated and released or examined and released without treatment

Date: 03/18/2000Age: 52 yearsSex: FemaleRace: White
Location: Street or highwayFire: No fire involvement or fire involvement not recorded
Body part: Lower TrunkDiagnosis: Other
Product: Exercise
Disposition: Treated and released or examined and released without treatment

Date: 03/17/2000Age: 57 yearsSex: FemaleRace: White
Location: Other public propertyFire: No fire involvement or fire involvement not recorded
Body part: KneeDiagnosis: Strain, Sprain
Product: Exercise
Disposition: Treated and released or examined and released without treatment

Date: 03/17/2000Age: 57 yearsSex: MaleRace: White
Location: Place of recreation or sportsFire: No fire involvement or fire involvement not recorded
Body part: KneeDiagnosis: Other
Product: Exercise
Disposition: Treated and released or examined and released without treatment

Date: 03/17/2000Age: 55 yearsSex: FemaleRace: White
Location: Not recordedFire: No fire involvement or fire involvement not recorded
Body part: Lower LegDiagnosis: Fracture
Product: Exercise
Disposition: Treated and released or examined and released without treatment

Date: 03/16/2000Age: 73 yearsSex: FemaleRace: White
Location: HomeFire: No fire involvement or fire involvement not recorded
Body part: Upper TrunkDiagnosis: Other
Product: Exercise
Disposition: Treated and admitted for hospitalization (within same facility)

Date: 03/15/2000Age: 57 yearsSex: MaleRace: Other
Location: Other public propertyFire: No fire involvement or fire involvement not recorded
Body part: FaceDiagnosis: Laceration
Product: Exercise
Disposition: Treated and released or examined and released without treatment

Date: 03/10/2000Age: 53 yearsSex: MaleRace: White
Location: Not recordedFire: No fire involvement or fire involvement not recorded
Body part: ElbowDiagnosis: Contusion Or Abrasion
Product: Exercise
Disposition: Treated and released or examined and released without treatment

Date: 03/10/2000Age: 57 yearsSex: FemaleRace: White
Location: Not recordedFire: No fire involvement or fire involvement not recorded
Body part: Lower TrunkDiagnosis: Strain, Sprain
Product: Exercise
Disposition: Treated and released or examined and released without treatment

Date: 03/08/2000Age: 67 yearsSex: MaleRace: White
Location: Not recordedFire: No fire involvement or fire involvement not recorded
Body part: ElbowDiagnosis: Laceration
Product: Exercise
Disposition: Treated and released or examined and released without treatment

Date: 03/08/2000Age: 77 yearsSex: FemaleRace: Not stated in ER record
Location: Other public propertyFire: No fire involvement or fire involvement not recorded
Body part: All Of BodyDiagnosis: Other
Product: Exercise
Disposition: Treated and released or examined and released without treatment

Date: 03/08/2000Age: 72 yearsSex: FemaleRace: Black/African American
Location: Not recordedFire: No fire involvement or fire involvement not recorded
Body part: KneeDiagnosis: Contusion Or Abrasion
Product: Exercise
Disposition: Treated and released or examined and released without treatment

Date: 03/08/2000Age: 77 yearsSex: FemaleRace: White
Location: Not recordedFire: No fire involvement or fire involvement not recorded
Body part: Lower LegDiagnosis: Contusion Or Abrasion
Product: Exercise
Disposition: Treated and released or examined and released without treatment

Date: 03/05/2000Age: 52 yearsSex: MaleRace: White
Location: Not recordedFire: No fire involvement or fire involvement not recorded
Body part: All Of BodyDiagnosis: Other
Product: Exercise
Disposition: Treated and released or examined and released without treatment

Date: 03/05/2000Age: 52 yearsSex: MaleRace: Not stated in ER record
Location: Place of recreation or sportsFire: No fire involvement or fire involvement not recorded
Body part: Lower TrunkDiagnosis: Other
Product: Exercise
Disposition: Treated and admitted for hospitalization (within same facility)

Date: 03/05/2000Age: 56 yearsSex: FemaleRace: White
Location: Not recordedFire: No fire involvement or fire involvement not recorded
Body part: Upper ArmDiagnosis: Fracture
Product: Exercise
Disposition: Treated and released or examined and released without treatment

Date: 03/04/2000Age: 69 yearsSex: FemaleRace: White
Location: HomeFire: No fire involvement or fire involvement not recorded
Body part: KneeDiagnosis: Other
Product: Exercise
Disposition: Treated and released or examined and released without treatment

Date: 02/29/2000Age: 70 yearsSex: FemaleRace: White
Location: Not recordedFire: No fire involvement or fire involvement not recorded
Body part: KneeDiagnosis: Fracture
Product: Exercise
Disposition: Treated and released or examined and released without treatment

Date: 02/28/2000Age: 52 yearsSex: MaleRace: White
Location: Not recordedFire: No fire involvement or fire involvement not recorded
Body part: FaceDiagnosis: Laceration
Product: Exercise
Disposition: Treated and released or examined and released without treatment

Date: 02/28/2000Age: 77 yearsSex: MaleRace: White
Location: Other public propertyFire: No fire involvement or fire involvement not recorded
Body part: FaceDiagnosis: Laceration
Product: Exercise
Disposition: Treated and released or examined and released without treatment

Date: 02/28/2000Age: 68 yearsSex: MaleRace: White
Location: Not recordedFire: No fire involvement or fire involvement not recorded
Body part: HandDiagnosis: Fracture
Product: Exercise
Disposition: Treated and released or examined and released without treatment

Date: 02/26/2000Age: 84 yearsSex: MaleRace: White
Location: Other public propertyFire: No fire involvement or fire involvement not recorded
Body part: FaceDiagnosis: Contusion Or Abrasion
Product: Exercise
Disposition: Treated and released or examined and released without treatment

Date: 02/24/2000Age: 53 yearsSex: FemaleRace: Not stated in ER record
Location: Not recordedFire: No fire involvement or fire involvement not recorded
Body part: AnkleDiagnosis: Strain, Sprain
Product: Exercise
Disposition: Treated and released or examined and released without treatment

Date: 02/21/2000Age: 60 yearsSex: FemaleRace: White
Location: Place of recreation or sportsFire: No fire involvement or fire involvement not recorded
Body part: Lower LegDiagnosis: Fracture
Product: Exercise
Disposition: Treated and released or examined and released without treatment

Date: 02/20/2000Age: 52 yearsSex: MaleRace: Not stated in ER record
Location: Not recordedFire: No fire involvement or fire involvement not recorded
Body part: KneeDiagnosis: Strain, Sprain
Product: Exercise
Disposition: Treated and released or examined and released without treatment

Date: 02/20/2000Age: 76 yearsSex: MaleRace: White
Location: Not recordedFire: No fire involvement or fire involvement not recorded
Body part: HeadDiagnosis: Inter Organ Injury
Product: Exercise
Disposition: Treated and released or examined and released without treatment

Date: 02/17/2000Age: 91 yearsSex: FemaleRace: White
Location: Not recordedFire: No fire involvement or fire involvement not recorded
Body part: All Of BodyDiagnosis: Other
Product: Exercise
Disposition: Treated and released or examined and released without treatment

Date: 02/17/2000Age: 65 yearsSex: FemaleRace: White
Location: Other public propertyFire: No fire involvement or fire involvement not recorded
Body part: FaceDiagnosis: Laceration
Product: Exercise
Disposition: Treated and released or examined and released without treatment

Date: 02/16/2000Age: 55 yearsSex: MaleRace: White
Location: HomeFire: No fire involvement or fire involvement not recorded
Body part: Lower ArmDiagnosis: Contusion Or Abrasion
Product: Exercise
Disposition: Treated and released or examined and released without treatment

Date: 02/14/2000Age: 83 yearsSex: MaleRace: White
Location: Other public propertyFire: No fire involvement or fire involvement not recorded
Body part: FaceDiagnosis: Contusion Or Abrasion
Product: Exercise
Disposition: Treated and released or examined and released without treatment

Date: 02/14/2000Age: 53 yearsSex: MaleRace: Black/African American
Location: HomeFire: No fire involvement or fire involvement not recorded
Body part: Upper TrunkDiagnosis: Other
Product: Exercise
Disposition: Treated and released or examined and released without treatment

Date: 02/13/2000Age: 78 yearsSex: FemaleRace: White
Location: Street or highwayFire: No fire involvement or fire involvement not recorded
Body part: KneeDiagnosis: Fracture
Product: Exercise
Disposition: Treated and released or examined and released without treatment

Date: 02/12/2000Age: 70 yearsSex: FemaleRace: White
Location: Street or highwayFire: No fire involvement or fire involvement not recorded
Body part: KneeDiagnosis: Fracture
Product: Exercise
Disposition: Treated and released or examined and released without treatment

Date: 02/11/2000Age: 64 yearsSex: MaleRace: White
Location: Place of recreation or sportsFire: No fire involvement or fire involvement not recorded
Body part: All Of BodyDiagnosis: Other
Product: Exercise
Disposition: Treated and admitted for hospitalization (within same facility)

Date: 02/09/2000Age: 77 yearsSex: FemaleRace: White
Location: Not recordedFire: No fire involvement or fire involvement not recorded
Body part: Lower TrunkDiagnosis: Strain, Sprain
Product: Exercise
Disposition: Treated and released or examined and released without treatment

Date: 02/08/2000Age: 56 yearsSex: FemaleRace: Other
Location: Other public propertyFire: No fire involvement or fire involvement not recorded
Body part: Lower TrunkDiagnosis: Strain, Sprain
Product: Exercise
Disposition: Treated and released or examined and released without treatment

Date: 02/08/2000Age: 59 yearsSex: MaleRace: Not stated in ER record
Location: Other public propertyFire: No fire involvement or fire involvement not recorded
Body part: MouthDiagnosis: Laceration
Product: Exercise
Disposition: Treated and released or examined and released without treatment

Date: 02/08/2000Age: 75 yearsSex: MaleRace: White
Location: HomeFire: No fire involvement or fire involvement not recorded
Body part: Upper TrunkDiagnosis: Strain, Sprain
Product: Exercise
Disposition: Treated and released or examined and released without treatment

Date: 02/07/2000Age: 57 yearsSex: FemaleRace: White
Location: Street or highwayFire: No fire involvement or fire involvement not recorded
Body part: AnkleDiagnosis: Strain, Sprain
Product: Exercise
Disposition: Treated and released or examined and released without treatment

Date: 02/07/2000Age: 78 yearsSex: FemaleRace: White
Location: Place of recreation or sportsFire: No fire involvement or fire involvement not recorded
Body part: Lower TrunkDiagnosis: Fracture
Product: Exercise, Footwear
Disposition: Treated and admitted for hospitalization (within same facility)

Date: 02/06/2000Age: 71 yearsSex: FemaleRace: Not stated in ER record
Location: Place of recreation or sportsFire: No fire involvement or fire involvement not recorded
Body part: ElbowDiagnosis: Other
Product: Exercise
Disposition: Treated and released or examined and released without treatment

Date: 02/06/2000Age: 58 yearsSex: FemaleRace: Black/African American
Location: Not recordedFire: No fire involvement or fire involvement not recorded
Body part: KneeDiagnosis: Other
Product: Exercise
Disposition: Treated and released or examined and released without treatment

Date: 02/04/2000Age: 68 yearsSex: FemaleRace: White
Location: HomeFire: No fire involvement or fire involvement not recorded
Body part: KneeDiagnosis: Contusion Or Abrasion
Product: Exercise
Disposition: Treated and released or examined and released without treatment

Date: 02/02/2000Age: 65 yearsSex: FemaleRace: Black/African American
Location: HomeFire: No fire involvement or fire involvement not recorded
Body part: Lower LegDiagnosis: Other
Product: Exercise, Beds
Disposition: Treated and released or examined and released without treatment

Date: 02/02/2000Age: 79 yearsSex: FemaleRace: White
Location: Not recordedFire: No fire involvement or fire involvement not recorded
Body part: Lower TrunkDiagnosis: Fracture
Product: Exercise
Disposition: Treated and released or examined and released without treatment

Date: 01/30/2000Age: 56 yearsSex: FemaleRace: White
Location: Not recordedFire: No fire involvement or fire involvement not recorded
Body part: Lower TrunkDiagnosis: Fracture
Product: Exercise
Disposition: Treated and admitted for hospitalization (within same facility)

Date: 01/22/2000Age: 56 yearsSex: MaleRace: White
Location: HomeFire: No fire involvement or fire involvement not recorded
Body part: All Of BodyDiagnosis: Other
Product: Exercise
Disposition: Treated and admitted for hospitalization (within same facility)

Date: 01/21/2000Age: 65 yearsSex: FemaleRace: White
Location: Not recordedFire: No fire involvement or fire involvement not recorded
Body part: Lower TrunkDiagnosis: Other
Product: Exercise
Disposition: Treated and released or examined and released without treatment

Date: 01/20/2000Age: 56 yearsSex: FemaleRace: White
Location: Street or highwayFire: No fire involvement or fire involvement not recorded
Body part: 25 - 50% BodyDiagnosis: Foreign Body
Product: Exercise
Disposition: Treated and released or examined and released without treatment

Date: 01/19/2000Age: 78 yearsSex: MaleRace: White
Location: Not recordedFire: No fire involvement or fire involvement not recorded
Body part: HeadDiagnosis: Inter Organ Injury
Product: Exercise
Disposition: Treated and released or examined and released without treatment

Date: 01/18/2000Age: 57 yearsSex: FemaleRace: White
Location: Not recordedFire: No fire involvement or fire involvement not recorded
Body part: ShoulderDiagnosis: Fracture
Product: Exercise
Disposition: Treated and released or examined and released without treatment

Date: 01/12/2000Age: 79 yearsSex: FemaleRace: White
Location: Not recordedFire: No fire involvement or fire involvement not recorded
Body part: KneeDiagnosis: Laceration
Product: Exercise
Disposition: Treated and released or examined and released without treatment

Date: 01/11/2000Age: 60 yearsSex: FemaleRace: Not stated in ER record
Location: Other public propertyFire: No fire involvement or fire involvement not recorded
Body part: HandDiagnosis: Puncture
Product: Exercise
Disposition: Treated and released or examined and released without treatment

Date: 01/11/2000Age: 75 yearsSex: FemaleRace: Black/African American
Location: Other public propertyFire: No fire involvement or fire involvement not recorded
Body part: Upper LegDiagnosis: Strain, Sprain
Product: Exercise
Disposition: Treated and released or examined and released without treatment

Date: 01/11/2000Age: 51 yearsSex: MaleRace: White
Location: Not recordedFire: No fire involvement or fire involvement not recorded
Body part: Upper TrunkDiagnosis: Other
Product: Exercise
Disposition: Treated and released or examined and released without treatment

Date: 01/09/2000Age: 70 yearsSex: MaleRace: White
Location: HomeFire: No fire involvement or fire involvement not recorded
Body part: NeckDiagnosis: Strain, Sprain
Product: Exercise
Disposition: Treated and released or examined and released without treatment

Date: 01/07/2000Age: 52 yearsSex: MaleRace: White
Location: Not recordedFire: No fire involvement or fire involvement not recorded
Body part: AnkleDiagnosis: Fracture
Product: Exercise
Disposition: Treated and released or examined and released without treatment

Date: 01/05/2000Age: 75 yearsSex: FemaleRace: White
Location: Place of recreation or sportsFire: No fire involvement or fire involvement not recorded
Body part: MouthDiagnosis: Dental Injury
Product: Exercise
Disposition: Treated and released or examined and released without treatment

Date: 01/04/2000Age: 63 yearsSex: FemaleRace: Other
Location: Place of recreation or sportsFire: No fire involvement or fire involvement not recorded
Body part: NeckDiagnosis: Other
Product: Exercise
Disposition: Treated and released or examined and released without treatment

Date: 01/03/2000Age: 76 yearsSex: MaleRace: White
Location: Place of recreation or sportsFire: No fire involvement or fire involvement not recorded
Body part: FingerDiagnosis: Dislocation
Product: Exercise
Disposition: Treated and released or examined and released without treatment

Date: 01/03/2000Age: 74 yearsSex: MaleRace: White
Location: HomeFire: No fire involvement or fire involvement not recorded
Body part: Lower TrunkDiagnosis: Strain, Sprain
Product: Exercise
Disposition: Treated and released or examined and released without treatment

Back to the top does not guarantee the accuracy or timeliness of any information on this site.  Use at your own risk.  This data has been compiled from multiple government and commercial sources.  Additional information about prescription drugs is coming up.