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Number Of Accidents (Estimate): 201
See also: Other years, Other age groups, Other products, Other body parts.
National Electronic Injury Surveillance System Accidents Records
Date: 10/13/1999 | Age: 13 years | Sex: Male | Race: White |
Location: School | Fire: No fire involvement or fire involvement not recorded |
Body part: Lower Leg | Diagnosis: Contusion Or Abrasion |
Product: Weight lifting |
Disposition: Treated and released or examined and released without treatment |
Date: 07/24/1999 | Age: 7 years | Sex: Male | Race: White |
Location: Not recorded | Fire: No fire involvement or fire involvement not recorded |
Body part: Lower Leg | Diagnosis: Laceration |
Product: Weight lifting |
Disposition: Treated and released or examined and released without treatment |
Date: 04/19/1999 | Age: 14 years | Sex: Male | Race: White |
Location: School | Fire: No fire involvement or fire involvement not recorded |
Body part: Lower Leg | Diagnosis: Laceration |
Product: Weight lifting |
Disposition: Treated and released or examined and released without treatment |
Date: 03/12/1999 | Age: 15 years | Sex: Male | Race: Not stated in ER record |
Location: Not recorded | Fire: No fire involvement or fire involvement not recorded |
Body part: Lower Leg | Diagnosis: Laceration |
Product: Weight lifting |
Disposition: Treated and released or examined and released without treatment |
Date: 02/23/1999 | Age: 12 years | Sex: Male | Race: Not stated in ER record |
Location: School | Fire: No fire involvement or fire involvement not recorded |
Body part: Lower Leg | Diagnosis: Contusion Or Abrasion |
Product: Weight lifting |
Disposition: Treated and released or examined and released without treatment |
Date: 01/29/1999 | Age: 15 years | Sex: Male | Race: Not stated in ER record |
Location: Not recorded | Fire: No fire involvement or fire involvement not recorded |
Body part: Lower Leg | Diagnosis: Laceration |
Product: Weight lifting |
Disposition: Treated and released or examined and released without treatment |